Chapter Sixty: A Talk about Things to Distract from the Bad Feelings

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Jeff came in, sitting down on the couch and settling in his spot on one side of Alastor. I sat on the other side of my husband as he held Aubrielle.

"So...uh...what did you dream about?" I asked awkwardly as Jeff took out a notebook and pen.

Alastor described his dreams in full detail, heightening my anxiety slightly as he squeezed my hand. It was very gory and gruesome throughout his dreams and I had found out more about his ex, who I didn't wanna know about.

Jeff patted Alastor's back after the dark descriptions that could make my dad cry if he were still alive. He carefully put the notebook down so none of the triplets could grab the items and side-hugged Al gently.

"It'll be okay, kid, those dreams can't hurt you as of now. You are here, safe, and loved. Do you wanna consult my dad about removing the dreams so they don't come back? He would be happy to help." Jeff asked, reminding me that his father, Nathaniel, was still so much kinder to demons than one would assume.

", I wanna hold onto these dreams for a while." Alastor said slowly. "Can we talk about something else though?" He asked hesitantly.

"Sure. Do you want me to just...start a conversation?" Jeff asked. Alastor nodded quickly and the heavily pregnant fallen angel started to cheerfully talk about how game creation was going for him and about the most recent commissions he got. Alastor started to talk as well, telling Jeff about the yoyo tricks he picked up and the sewing projects he was planning.

I eventually joined the conversation, talking about something I'd seen online called custom doll repainting.

"Oh, Heather and Harlow both like doing that. Do you wanna try it?" Jeff asked.

"No, but I'm very curious about it. Can I drop by at the boutique later to see their dolls?" I asked.

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, go on ahead." Jeff chuckled, pulling his phone out of his bag and scrolling through it a little bit. "They did dolls of Fae and I though, so I thought I might show you." He handed me his phone and Al and I marveled at the uniqueness of the dolls that looked almost exactly like the couple, with the exception of the cartoonish style of the dolls.

"This is amazing. Who else have they done?" Alastor asked.

"They did a miniature doll for Niffty of Niffty and it lives on the shelf of Husk's bar at the hotel, they did Rosie, they did Garnet from Steven Universe, they did a very intricate dark-skinned doll with the stomach cavity filled with glue to show off bright blue bones, they did Lily, and they did Lee. That's all I remember." Jeff mumbled as he took his phone back. "Oh and they do beautiful wedding cake toppers, as you may have known, Al."

"I remember them painting the wedding cake toppers with so much detail." Alastor agreed, adjusting how he held Aubrey. Jeff rubbed his bump quietly, bringing Al's attention to it.

"Are you doing C-section or..." Alastor trailed off, leaving the implication at the end.

"No, no. All natural in this case. If my...bodily set up was different, it would be C-section, but y'know, we can't all get what we want." Jeff chuckled harshly. We nodded sagely, agreeing with him.

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