Chapter Eighty: Pride

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I watched Alastor as he put his hair into a pair of pigtails after putting in rainbow hair extensions to go with his flag that he had sewn so it resembled a crop top, showing off the scar from the c-section and the scars from the night he died. He scrunched his nose at me as I got in my rainbow dress and did my makeup with a little help from my sister.

Jeff was lounging on the couch, wearing pretty much just a kilt made out of the trans pride flag as he talked to Husk, who wore a skirt of the nonbinary flag that went from their ribs down over a white open-backed button-up shirt.

Stitches wore a trans flag as a cape and a shirt that said: "yeah, I'm just a kid, but I'm old enough to know what I am without your opinion" with Mercy whispering in his ear. Stitches nodded and both of them retreated into the upstairs bathroom, I assumed to do more makeup or something.

We're all allowed to wear whatever ridiculous clothes we want and blame it on Pride today.

Five minutes later, Stitches and Mercy came downstairs again. Stitches had short hair. The long, greasy, matted black hair was gone and in its place was short, clean, combed black hair with red highlights already showing up where it was cut. Jeff sat up and beckoned Stitches over, looking over the surprisingly professional-looking, clean, even cut.

"Who cut your hair, you or Mercy?" Jeff asked as Fae stared at Stitches's hair.

"Mercy did it." Stitches said, happiness radiating off of him.

"Good job." Fae said, high-fiving my eldest daughter. Alastor peeked in to see what all the fuss was about and startled at the sight of Stitches's short hair.

"Such a handsome boy." Alastor said after making a decision over a massive internal struggle.


We went to the parade, all of us with safety spells, and I took to the front of the parade, running with the biggest pride flag that had a pole. It had the words "we will never burn" written on it in massive black letters to let the homophobic, transphobic, racist, "white" bigots know that Hell is not the place we choose to burn in, despite what they insist upon. It was massive even with parts burnt off, but I was not going to let it touch the ground. Alastor ran next to me as a deer with the triplets clinging to his back. Stitches was on the other side of me with Mercy, both in deer form.

I whooped as the first wave of homophobes showed up and we jumped over them neatly, letting the rest of the stampede I led with my family kill them off.

After the parade, we stopped at a local Starbucks and got some iced coffee for Al and I and non caffeinated cold drinks for the kids. Jeff was sitting completely still for once as he chatted with an oddly familiar man who wore another trans pride flag and a pair of sunglasses.

We waved at him as we left the Starbucks and he absently waved back, still deep in his conversation with the man.

"Can we stop at A.Z.Fell's Books?" Mercy asked. I looked at Al, who nodded slowly.

"Sure, kiddo. Lead the way." I said. She happily walked at the front of our family, leading us into a cluttered bookshop.

"Aziraphale?" She asked into the shop. Instantly, an angel with pale hair appeared next to her with a barn owlcat on his shoulder.

"Hello, Miss Mercy. How are you doing on this lovely day of pride?" He asked.

"Oh, just swell. I'm here to pick up a book that Calypso sent me with a request for." Mercy said. "It's a biography written by Jane Agnes Oliver." She handed him a scrap of paper and he took it before wandering around the shelves, searching for the biography.

He came back with a really worn-down book that had a cover that was barely red anymore. It had a massive bloodstain on the back cover. I craned my neck to get a better view of the book in question. It looked like it said something about Jeff.

"Ooh, someone died while trying to keep this safe. Here's a pound to pay rent on this one." Mercy said, tucking the book into her backpack as she offered him what looked like a dollar.

"Thank you, my dear. Could I offer you some loose-leaf tea to give to Miss Calypso as a gift? I really wish I could've seen her today, but the poor thing caught a cold." Aziraphale sighed.

"I'm sure she would love that. Yes, please." Mercy said with a smile. Aziraphale beckoned Mercy and the rest of us into the back and we hesitantly followed the man.

A large snake with dark scales laid across the couch with its tongue flicking in and out. It wore a pair of sunglasses and a little bitty gay pride flag.

"Come now, Crowley, have some respect. We have guests." Aziraphale, scolding the snake, said as he put together herbs for tea. The snake seemed to sigh before morphing back into a regular-ish person with bright red hair and black wings.

"Hey, Crowley." I said awkwardly.

"Dust." He replied as Mercy tucked a tube of loose leaf tea into her backpack. She hugged Aziraphale before leading us out of the bookshop.

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