Chapter Fourteen: I Try Amateur Matchmaking (and somehow manage to succeed)

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I watched Arackniss as he drew pictures with Alastor and Sir Pentious. I couldn't help but notice Sir looking up at Arackniss before looking down and scribbling on his page with his cheeks flushed.

I laughed to myself slyly but at the same time was very offended that he seemed to have the hots for my baby brother.

Nevertheless, after Pentious got up to the powder room, Arackniss slammed his face down on the table, causing Alastor and I to jump out of our skins.

"What's wrong, Nissy?" I asked, placing a hand on his back.

"I-I can see Pentious looking up at me with that infatuated look on his face and I swear on our mother's grave, sorry Mama, that he deserves someone so much better than me." Arackniss sighed.

"Mmmmm-hmmmmm...well, other than your mafia background and the fact that you failed to protect me from my murderer-"

"I was your murderer. I'm sorry."

"The hell you were." I said, slapping him. "Don't interrupt, got it?" Arackniss nodded meekly. I continued: "Other than your mafia background and the fact that you killed me, you're a wonderful person. I need you to try some self confidence on for size, understand?" I paused, staring my brother down until he nodded. "Now, I am goin' to have a nice friendly heart to heart chat with Pen. Stay here with Al. Strawberry, please make sure he doesn't hurt himself again."

"I will, darling, just go take care of business." Alastor agreed, smiling. I kissed him on the cheek before heading to the powder room.

Pen was laying face down on the ground with his arms tucked close to his body. I crouched next to him.

" brother, baby brother who is the best little brother you could ask for." I asked him. Pentious startled really hard, looking up at me with surprise and instant regret.

"Uh...yesss, your brother. What about him?" Pentious asked.

"You're in love with my darling baby brother, aren't you?" I asked.

Pentious had the audacity to look outraged before allowing himself to fall into that embarrassed state as he nodded.

"I thought so. He likes you too, just approach this carefully, got it, bucko? He's shy and really hates himself, and if you hurt him, expect your balls to be cut off and a gun down your throat, am I clear?" I asked, fixing him with a poisonous smile.

"Yes, sir." Pen said, frightened as ever as he tried to move away from me. I stood on his tail, glaring down at him.

"Good. Now go clean yourself up and get your scaly little ass out there to ask my brother if he wants to hang out or something. Trust me, he knows where the best spots to hang are. Have fun." I got off his tail before strutting back to my corner of the bar, throwing a wink Alastor's way.

Al followed me, telling Arackniss that he'd be right back.

"So. You did good, daddy?" Alastor asked, cocking his head.

"I'd say I did, how about you take a look for yourself?" I asked, nodding towards the table where Pentious was awkwardly asking Arackniss if he wanted to go watch a movie in his basement theater. Arackniss nodded, giggling slightly and Pentious grinned, looking happy with himself.

"I also threatened to cut his two sets of balls off and put a gun down his throat if he hurt Arackniss." I said darkly. Alastor laughed, saying that's probably what he would do too.

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