Chapter Ninety-Four: Urban Heaven

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[Fae's point of view]

I thanked Hera and Kat for letting me stay over and Hera teleported me and the truck up onto Urban Heaven to avoid the stairs and the curious normals of Human Earth.

I drove down the deserted streets slowly, searching for Jeff's address. I found it and parked next to the sidewalk, racing inside the apartment. On my way in, I encountered my double. He was literally my exact opposite, with pale hair and skin with eyes of pure black.

Kill your double.

I drew a knife and raced at him, stabbing him in the throat before hiding his body in a nearby garbage chute. I went inside with my bag and waited.

Heaven was bright and sunny, but there was also something very off about it. It was eerily quiet compared to how Jeff described it to me.

I heard the door open and I stood, peeking around the corner to see Jeff holding onto the wall and breathing painfully. His hair had been roughly chopped off. I rushed forward, picking my thin almost-husband up and moving him the the futon in the other room so I could check him over and patch him up.

"Fae...Fae it hurts so much..." Jeff sobbed softly.

"I bet it does, honey..." I agreed, taking in a sharp breath when I saw that his wings had been cut roughly off his back. I cut his shirt off and examined the cuts further after slipping a mask and gloves on. There was still a little bit of bone and tissue from the wings attached and it looked like I could graft the wings back on if I knew where they were. But for now, I have to bandage them up.

"What else hurts, honey?" I asked softly.

"Ribs...right ankle...left head..." Jeff said absently as I put him on a strong painkiller.

I checked him over some more, discovering fractured ribs, he had bruised and broken his non-dominant hand, and his ankle had been bruised badly with one of the little bones snapped. I was almost certain that he had a concussion, but there was no way to tell until I got him to some sort of hospital.

Apollo wandered in leisurely and knelt next to me.

"Hey." He said lazily.

"Hello." I sighed. "What are you doing now?"

"Helping you help him." Apollo replied. "He's got a shattered halo too, but more importantly, a concussion. You're right about everything else."

"Jeff, show your halo." I told him gently. Jeff struggled to get his hand in his pocket and he pulled out a fully destroyed halo. I took it, being careful with the sharp edges and passed it off to the deity. He took it off to Jeff's creator, disappearing with the black shards as I scrambled to light his candle.

He reappeared a few hours later when I had patched up Jeff as much as I could, placing the halo in Jeff's good hand gently before leaving again.

"Hey, Fae. Do you happen to have a crutch or something?" Jeff asked. I reached into my bag and pulled out my staff, tossing it aside, before digging in further for the makeshift crutch I would swear I had in the Bottomless Pit.

"Oh, um, could you pass me a flashlight?" I asked out of the bag to Vaggie. Vaggie handed me a flashlight and I delved even deeper into my enchanted bag. I found it and let out a triumphant shout. "HERE'S THE BITCH."

Jeff limped around his apartment on the crutch, grabbing anything he desired to put it his baggage so we could leave Urban Heaven and take a full-body visit to his original maker.

"Vags? Do you mind it if I just...borrow your body really fast?" Jeff asked.

"Why?" She asked, vaguely concerned.

"Do I look like I can get my half-dead ass over to the colosseum to get my wings in this form by myself? Excuse?" Jeff asked, a dumb grin on his face. He settled his body into his futon and held up his good hand. Vaggie sighed deeply in resignation and dropped her short thick hand into Jeff's long thin one.

The contrast between the guardian class angels and the warrior class angels hit me hard. Jeff was supposed to be a tall and narrow watchful thing and Vaggie was supposed to be buff and well-built. She was a little stubby and not as buff as the others for a warrior class though and Jeff had too many imperfections and was a little too psychotic and loving at the same time.

Jeff's body went limp and Vaggie's stood up awkwardly, grinning like Jeff does.

"Wish me luck!" Jeff said through Vaggie's body and Vaggie made a quick bye-bye noise as the pair left the apartment in the same body. I suppressed a laugh as I heard someone (I assume it was Jeff and Vaggie) tripping down the stairs. 

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