Chapter Sixty-Nine: Tied Up and Gagged

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Nice. Val gets chapter 69. Anyways, trigger warning for sexual abuse because Management marked it that way.

=Valerie's point of view=

Alastor dragged in a man I instantly recognized as one of the porn stars who worked under me when Voxxie took down the studio six years ago. He was struggling against the net that Alastor had around him and making harsh growling noises.

"Well well well well well, let's take a look at the menagerie, huh?" I cooed in a poisonous tone, grabbing his chin with my sharp acrylic nails. "You couldn't stop having sex, huh, Vincent?"

"Valentino!" Vinny exclaimed with surprise. "I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't-"

"You didn't think about the consequences of your actions." I hummed, my grin widening as I drew blood with my nails. "My name is no longer Valentino, Vincent Raven. I prefer to be called Valerie and you will refer to me as your "Mommy" while I'm busy...punishing you." I said darkly.

Vinny nodded, his pale eyes full of regret as he realized that I meant no kinky shit, I meant abuse. Vinny was hardly ever on my bad side when I was the owner of the studio, but that also meant that he never experienced gay sex because he got a say in what type of sex he was "acting" out. Which means...he has never had anal or done oral because he is very uncomfortable with the idea.

"Do you remember Calypso?" I asked coldly, gesturing to the little girl in her shortened pretty dress with the fluffy skirt. The reason why he was on the Aracane-Glass Estate property dawned on him and he automatically started pleading for her forgiveness. Calypso ran away to go find Mercy, her dress bouncing around her knees. She didn't accept his apology.

"Alright, let's get my portion of the torture over with." I grumbled, grabbing his thin leathery tail and dragging him to the basement.

"Good luck, Valerie!" Alastor called cheerfully as he adjusted his dress a little bit.

"Thanks, Al sweetie!" I replied as I descended the steps. I tied him down on the hard mattress after stripping him down, shoving a gag into his mouth.

He seemed to realize that struggling was futile as I stripped down myself and put my hair in a tight braided bun.

His screams echoed through the mansion as I relentlessly fucked the living daylights out of him, ruining his ass hole, forcing him to do oral sex, and preventing him from cumming by putting a dick ring on him. It was very painful, as I knew from experience, but it was a worthy punishment for him messing with my niece's best friend.

"Please, Mommy, no more, I understand what I've done, just more..." Vinny struggled to tell me after I made him swallow my cum.

"No. Just for that, another...ten or so minutes of this before you have a session with Al. Al has been looking forward to hearing your screams..." I hummed before letting out a villainous laugh and continuing, marking up his pale yellow body with teeth marks.

When I was done, I slipped a pair of pretty pink lacey panties on him, not removing the dick ring. I slipped a robe on and meandered my way upstairs to take a shower.

"Heyyyyyyy, Al. I have destroyed his ass and he shouldn't be able to walk for a while. Maybe we should take a break with the abuse..." I trailed off. Alastor's eyes met mine and instantly we started laughing.

"Nah! Nevermind, enjoy your time destroying him some more." I giggled, bumping his shoulder with my elbow as I wandered into the guest bedroom and closed the door to take a shower.

The water was warm when I stepped in and I washed my hair as I mused about what the meaning of the afterlife was.

Was it purely to be tortured beyond belief? Because as far as I can tell, the most uncomfortable part of the afterlife here in Hell is the fact that I have male genitals. As far as I care, I have a female body as it belongs to me: a female, but it does have some unwanted parts.

I mean, come on, God, is that all you can fucking do to torture me? Even I, a demon who used to be a mere human, can do better at torturing people.

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