Chapter Ninety-Eight: On My Way

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/Jeff's point of view\

"You're such an idiot, Fae, we can't keep all of them with us at the same time. There's at least ten of them!" I pointed out.

"I thought you were a guardian angel, forged with love and caring. Don't you care?" Fae protested.

"I do care, I just don't see the-" I realized that there was no winning here and that the one Fae got emotionally attached to was staring through the curtains at me and Fae. I sighed and let my glamour go, revealing my regular features. Fae let me pull his headwrap down to reveal his ram's horns and cute little ears.

"I know you're opposed to having a full classroom of kids with us, Jeff. I know. I just can't leave them until I know there's a safe place for them to go." Fae said, resting a hand on my waist.

"I know, darling, I know. We can keep the little one you're attached to for a little while, but Hell is too dangerous for a human child." I told him gently.

He smiled a little bit at me before resting his forehead on my collarbone. I carded my fingers through his hair, swaying slightly with him as I hummed.

"It's chilly, let's get back in the truck." I told him softly. He sighed and nodded before climbing back into the back of the truck. I followed, with a little more work because I am still limping. Fae prepared dinner on the wooden board we pulled out of his Bottomless Pit, cutting up vegetables and the kielbasa that we put in the cooler and sending me out to make fire to roast the ingredients over. I did and the dark-skinned, thin little boy who Fae got attached to followed me, practically swimming in Fae's jacket.

"Sir, how are you and your husband so kind?" He asked softly.

"I assumed you would ask a different question, but okay. I was an angel who took care of kids one at a time when I was commission. Fae is a doctor who specializes in childcare. We both have kindness ingrained in us." I poked the fire with a stick as the kid sat next to me. "My turn to ask a question. What's your name?"

"My first name is Prince. My full name is Prince Jay Austin. What's your name?" He asked as he pulled his little legs into the coat.

"Jefferson Star Click-Thompson Lu." I laughed. "I'm not officially a Lu yet, as I'm supposed to get married to my sweetheart in a week or so. What do you want to eat tomorrow night?" I asked him.

"I just wanna eat. I don't wanna starve. I'm happy you guys found me. The others don't like me much. It's 'cause I'm not like them. I look like a shadow with bright blue eyes and white hair. But, I do want something sweet for after dinner tomorrow." Prince decided. "Why do you look so weird and why are there two nubs sticking out of the back of your bandages around your chest?"

"As I mentioned, I was an angel. I grew horns after the fall and I have this halo." I showed him my thorny black halo that was recently repaired. "However, the nubs...they are what's left of my wings on my back. My wings are in a bag in the truck. I gotta get my creator to fix me."

" mean God?" Prince asked.

"No, dear, I mean my good friend, Crowley. He's the one who made me. God was the one who gave me my first name, Jessica." I told him softly as I started to cook the vegetables and sausage.

"You're trans, my man?" Prince asked. "Cool, bro. The girl who helped me get my names was like that. She's got a loving home now with some rich people who don't mind helping her get all the help she needs with all her disorders and her transition."

"How old are you?" I asked.


"Holy moly." I breathed, my left eyebrow trying to escape into space. I stirred the contents of the pan again before putting some pepper on and getting it off the fire as Fae stumbled out of the truck on his bare hooves with a pot of rice.

"I'm guessing this is curry then?" I asked.

"Yes, but I'm not adding as much spices because I don't know how sensitive some of them are to the spicy. And I don't have all the ingredients I like for curry this time." Fae said, as he put the rice on the fire. "Watch that for me, I gotta hunt down the paper plates and paper towels and utensils."

"'Kay, dear. Good luck."

"You two act like an old married couple. How long have you been together?" Prince asked.

"For about seven years." I replied.

"So in loooovvve. I heard you mentioning kids of your own. What are they like?" Prince asked.

"Y'know kid, for someone who we met just barely two days ago and was barely alive yesterday, you sure ask a lot of questions." I sighed, but answered his question anyways. "My oldest is eight now with bright purple hair, dark brown skin, three differently colored eyes, and a long scaly tail. Her name is Calypso. My youngest is turning two in two months. He's got light red curly hair, two beautiful eyes of two different colors, a little fluffy tail, and soft baby down wings. His name is Nathan. He can't really fly yet."

"I'm guessing that Nathan is your biological child with Fae?" Prince asked absently.

"Ye-how'd you know that?"

"When you're allowed in the library and was taught how to read really early, you can learn a lot."

"Alrighty then..."


We dropped off the kids at the orphanage except for Prince and took the highway back to Hell.

"BACK IN THE MOTHERFUCKING HELLSCAPE WE KNOW AND LOVE, FAE!!" I screeched, rolling down the windows.



"So you fucked up badly enough that you need me to fix your sorry ass. Alright, but we're gonna need to take you offline for a while." Crowley said, putting his wine down and sobering up. "I'm gonna reattach your wings, untwist all your broken bones, fix your wires up, remake some bones, and readjust some of your gears because I see that you did something to your knee and it misaligned something about three or so months ago. Sound good? I'm going to need you to lay down." Crowley said, leading Fae, Prince, and I down to the forge in the basement of the bookshop. "Ooh, you've dented your cranium. Naughty, naughty. Lay on your belly. You'll be on your way to your wedding in no time."

I felt the little metal slat on my back where you can open me up come off and I fell into a mechanical sleep.

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