Chapter Sixteen: Finally

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Alastor pushed again, for what seemed like the millionth time. It was the crack of dawn and he was squeezing harder and harder on two of my slender hands as he struggled to get the baby out.

There was blood staining the sheets now and sweat on every inch of my boyfriend's body.

"Part of her head is out, okay? Just a few more pushes." Doctor Lu reassured us, seeing my concerned look and the tears that were starting down Al's cheeks.

"I can feel that her head is partway out. I'm not particularly happy about it." Al groaned.

"It's okay, Strawberry, it's okay. We get it, just focus on getting her out." I whispered gently. Alastor let go of my hand and slapped me.

"Do NOT tell me what to do." he growled, heavy radio static filling my ears. I surrendered, going completely silent. The static receded and I bit my lip with worry.

A few minutes later, a cry broke through the air and Alastor slumped against me, allowing me to wrap my arms around him and kiss him on the forehead. Alastor held his arms up in slight triumph before letting them flop against the pillow and my shoulder.

The doctor cleaned up our daughter and cut her umbilical cord, wrapping her in a baby blanket and congratulating us over and over again about how beautiful she was.

He handed her to Alastor before packing up his things, washing his hands, and leaving. Alastor cooed at her sleepily in response to having his baby girl in his arms for the first time.

I wrapped my arms loosely around Alastor's arms and the baby, touching her soft, chubby little cheeks, her fluffy little ears that were too large for her head, and her four little bitty fists with wonder.

"Look at her, Angel, look! Isn't she so tiny and adorable?" Alastor exclaimed happily.

"Yes, she is, Strawberry. I'm so proud of you and I love you so much." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "Hi, Mercy." I cooed at our baby girl who was making soft crying noises.

She blinked up at me with beautiful heterochromatic eyes. One eye looked like Alastor's but lighter and the other was a neon pink heart in the center of black, like my right eye. I blinked back in amazement.

"Her nose is rather flat. I blame you, Angel." Alastor pointed out.

"Hey! All babies have flat noses when they're born. But do you see her eyes?" I asked.

Alastor looked her right in the eyes before letting out a soft gasp. "Her eyes are amazing."

"Yeah, they are. Like you." I flirted quietly.

"Stop it. We aren't having another child or having sex anytime soon." Alastor protested, blushing furiously.

"Understandable." I shrugged as Mercy gripped onto my hand with one of her four little fists. I stroked her bright red peach fuzz as she started to doze off against Alastor's bare chest.

I took Mercy after taking off the medical gloves so Alastor could put on at least a pair of sweatpants and underwear. Mercy squirmed against my fluff, making little noises that I can only describe as the sound of an angel. I watched her with adoration.

"Baby. Baby girl." I crooned. Arackniss peeked into our apartment and wandered in cautiously. He sat up on the bed and scooted closer.

"She's tiny." He mumbled as Alastor saged down the apartment and grumbled at his shadows before pouring some wine into the offerings trays for Juno and Anubis and thanking them.

"I know right? But isn't she just so...precious?" I asked.

"She better damn right be. That hurt pushing her out like that." Alastor threatened as he made tea for himself.

"Don't worry, Strawberry, she is very precious. Like a ruby." I assured my redhead.

"Good." Alastor said as he sat down and sipped his tea.

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