Chapter Sixty-Two: Family

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/Jeff's point of view\

Fae was sitting between my feet and I was so over the contractions that were wracking my body.

Lily bustled around with her pale grey eyes in full view for once as she cleaned up some and pulled things for right after the baby was born. Fae's dark grey eyes were focused on my face more than anything else and he looked so worried about me.

I pushed again, gripping the fabric under me and gritting my teeth.

"Jeff, we're almost done, you got the head out." Fae assured me.

"This shit is really painful. You should try it." I grunted, pushing again. Fae decided to shut up.

A sharp cry broke the air and I sagged against the floor where I insisted on moving to before any of the head was out.

"It's a boy." Fae said, mildly impressed with my prediction skills as he cleaned up the infant.

"Not planning on doing that again." I grumbled as Fae deposited a clean and tiny wriggling baby on my chest. The child was somewhere in between crying and cooing when he was laid on me, causing my maternal instinct to kick in automatically and I gently held the baby close, stroking the peach fuzz and the little stubs where his horns would be.

"Oh goodness, hello little one. I'm your papa." I said as the baby sneezed a little. I rubbed his back between his baby down wings, being very careful with my claws so I didn't scratch him on accident.

Dear reader. I wish I'm lying when I say that I had forgotten what pure joy is in holding a newborn baby that is curled up in the crook of your arm and cooing at you with its new voice. I had to care for babies whenever I was assigned to people when they were born and they were sweet, but I had only fallen in love with two babies that I cared for: Tzarvich Alexei of Russia and Prince Amun-her-khepeshef of Egypt. That all changed in an instant. I have fallen in love with Fae and I's son and oh my god in heaven, I can't believe how precious this little redhead is.

Lucky you, Management has decided to let you get away with this one. But they still say stop breaking the fourth wall.

"You did great, Jeff." Fae said, scooting closer to me so he could see the baby better.

"Look at what I made, Calypso!" I exclaimed. Our foster daughter came into the living room hesitantly and sat next to me on the other side, peeking at her foster brother. "This is your brother. His name is Nathanial, or Nathan for short." I explained, sitting up a little better so she could see more of my son's features.

Nathan had curly light red peach fuzz, light brown skin, little stubs where his horns would grow in, and two different colored eyes: one being a blue x on black and the other being a red iris on white. He had fuzzy light grey wings on his back that were massive in comparison to his body and would change color and texture when he was older, much like a real bird's wings.

"He's cute." Calypso decided as Lily took him and put him in a diaper and blanket and held him as Fae picked me up and walked into the bathroom to clean me up a little bit because I was slowly bleeding out from where Nathan came out(great fun) and my healing wasn't kicking in very well.

"Nathaniel is a sweet name for our boy." Fae muttered, pressing a kiss to my temple. I smiled at him and scratched his scalp a little bit as he knelt down and started to perform the necessary procedure to stop the bleeding.

"Thanks, babe." I muttered as he did the thing.

"Did you name him after your father?" Fae asked sitting back on his heels.

"Yep. He was very kind." I nodded, feeling a melancholy kind of happiness as I recalled his strange love for making music and baking.

"Tell me about him again?" Fae asked, clearly just trying to keep my mind off of what he was doing.

I told him about Nathaniel Click-Thompson, a soldier from WWII who managed to survive, but more importantly he was my dad, and I told Fae about how Dad liked doing stuff that the woman of the house would normally do. Looking back on it, he was really so much more like a twink compared to Ana, my biological mother, even though he was very broad shouldered and strong. I told Fae about his collection of string instruments and his cooking habits. I recalled that he liked to play music on the balcony of our New York apartment as the sun was setting and that the neighbors would know something was wrong if there was no music during the late evening.

The whole time, I played with Fae's curly hair.

Fae finished what he was doing and stood up to wash his hands, going to retrieve me a pair of sweatpants and boxers. I put the boxers and sweatpants on and slowly wobbled my way to the couch.

Lily handed me my son when I sat down on the couch and I held the little boy contentedly as Fae and Calypso cuddled into my sides.

I heard a camera shutter and sent a poisonous look at the culprit, who happened to be Lily. She smiled at me sheepishly and put her phone away as her hands fell to her sides.

"Just let us be for now, this is comfy and I have my family on me." I grumbled.

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