Chapter Forty-Nine: An Uncharted Talk

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I was pulled away by my youngest daughter to the couches in the den. The rest of the family was gathered there, even Vox and his family. I took my seat with my leg on Angel's legs as Louisa pepped herself up to tell us something.

"Everyone...I'm transgender." My child said, gripping their shorts with their knuckles white and head ducked down.

"Go on~" Jeff encouraged.

"I'm a boy, not a girl and I would like to be referred to as Stitches, okay? Jeff helped me learn about what I am and I know that I'm not your little girl anymore. I am Stitches and I am your son."

I got off the couch and stood a foot away from my child. I could see the way he flinched away in fear as I towered over him.

"Do it, I dare ya. I won't hesitate to take you out." Angel looked at me with anger building as he cocked his gun.

Charlie looked like she was waiting for me to hit Stitches so she could beat the crap out of me.

Vaggie looked at me in the most threatening way possible, holding a sandal in one hand like a Mexican grandmother would.

Husk was about ready to smash an empty glass liquor bottle on my head.

Niffty was the most apathetic about this, as if waiting to watch the shit go down.

Vox cracked his knuckles and held his fly swatter at the ready.

Valentino looked mad at my son, which ticked me off.

Velvet had already accepted Stitches and was holding one of her high-heeled platform boots threateningly at Val and I.

Lily had begun to have her eyes glow red behind her hair and she had cracked her neck.

Harlow looked scared for Stitches.

Heather held a knife behind his hair as he watched my every move.

Lee squinted at me with disbelief.

Pentious was probably gonna beat the crap out of me, judging by how he held his wrench.

Arackniss had another gun aimed at me, a deep frown etched on his face.

Mom looked like an ice queen she was so angry.

Dad looked like he was on fire he was so angry.

Angel's mom had begun muttering in Italian.

Molly held another gun.

Cherry looked ready to literally blow up.

Fae looked like he was gonna smash my skull with his bare hands.

Jeff looked like he was gonna say something about how I should accept Stitches for who he was because I accepted Jeff.

Mercy and Calypso held a pair of spears in their hands, which I recognized as holy weapons.

And I...

I felt so many conflicting emotions. All I could figure out to do about this was tucking him into a hug. So that's what I did.

"It's okay. You're still my child and you're still the same person I knew yesterday, just with a different set of labels. I still love you, Stitches, nothing will change that." I said, my voice breaking in that final sentence. Stitches clung to me, crying softly out of relief.

Everyone relaxed, except for Valentino, who promptly got darted in the neck by Velvet as soon as he started to protest.

"Val has got to be careful, I will divorce his ass twice if I have to." Vox growled, causing Angel to start laughing hysterically before getting up and hugging Stitches.

"I always wanted a son." Angel said happily.

"Lucky you, you little shit. While we're doing confessions, the idiot got me knocked up again." I laughed cruelly before making another comment. "He is now banned from having sex with me until I get him neutered, right, Anthony?"

"Right..." Angel sighed.

"Oof." Jeff laughed, knowing that he couldn't get anyone pregnant and he couldn't get pregnant without being off testosterone for a while. "Join the club, Angel."

"I will, thanks..." Angel said sarcastically.

"Oh, come on, it's not that bad." Jeff said, aiming for reassurance. "It can still pleasure you, but it's less to clean up and you literally can't get Alastor preggo again."

"That doesn't sound so bad now, but isn't it painful?"

"Duh." Fae said, completely serious. "Can we watch the goddamn movie now?"

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