Chapter Thirty: Ultrasound Number One of Child(?) Number Two

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

"Al...ya don't have to get an ultrasound if ya don't want to keep it..." I said softly when Al started to have an emotional breakdown on our way to the porn studio to see the resident doctor there.

"No, I want to keep it, Angel, I have talked to it and Mercy has talked to it and you've talked to it. I'm now very emotionally attached to my unborn baby and very anxious about how this pregnancy will go." Alastor sobbed into my shoulder.

"I know, honey, I know. We'll all be okay and you're gonna be just fine." I reassured him, petting his hair and steering the car into our favorite parking spot by the dumpster in the back.

"I know we're gonna be fine, but I'm still worried that something's gonna happen!" Al clung to me, trying to wipe his tears off on my crop top without grabbing it. I rolled my eyes internally and got out of the car carrying Alastor so he could continue to use me as his comfort object as I went to get Mercy out of the back seat.

"C'mon, Mercy, let's go see your sibling." I muttered as I held her and Al at the same time. I wandered inside and was immediately greeted by Doctor Lu.

"Hello, Angel, Alastor. Ah, this must be Mercy. Do you want me to do a check-up on her?" Doctor Lu asked, leading us into his office with his tea in one hand.

"Nope, we're doing another ultrasound on Smiles, who is not currently smiling, over here." I said, sitting down with Alastor curled up in my lap, sniffling as he hugged onto me. Mercy babbled at the doctor happily as she chewed on her teething ring, causing the doctor to smile.

"Okay, but only so I can hold her after." Doctor Lu said, turning stuff on.

"You'll haveta consult the hormonal trainwreck about that, but I'm fine with it." I shrugged, putting Al on the table. Al made a soft whining noise, causing me to scratch his ears and pet his hair.

"I'm sorry I'm so clingy today, Angel..." Alastor apologized as Doctor Lu pulled up his shirt and I scratched his ears.

"It's okay, babes. I don't mind it." I said softly as Doctor Lu pressed the wand to Al's belly.

"I don't think I can tell you what gender it is because...its legs are together. I can tell you that it looks remarkably human for being two demons' child. It has little pointed ears though. The only extra feature I can see is a deer's tail." Doctor said as he pulled it up on the TV.

"Oh this one might be more stubborn than Mercy...we might also have to buy really neutral clothes for it." I sighed, studying the screen. "It has small pointed ears though, like mine underneath all my hair."

Al managed a smile as he gazed at the screen. "They have the family stubbornness from both sides." He mumbled.

"Yeah, they do. Do you wanna go home now, Strawberry?" I asked as Al sat up and cleaned off his stomach. Alastor nodded a little bit.

"Can we have my momma come visit?" He asked softly as he picked Mercy up off the ground and handed her gently to Doctor Lu.

"Sure, we can do that." I replied, watching Doctor Lu and Mercy interact.

Doctor Lu cradled Mercy for a moment, his eyes wide as he stared into her eyes. Mercy reached up and booped his nose with her chubby fist, laughing slightly.

"You have earned le child's approval." I chuckled as Mercy curled her lower arms around Doctor Lu's chest and messed with his dog tags.

"What is your name anyway?" Al asked, crinkling his brow slightly.

"Promise not to laugh. It's Fae Lu. I know, such a girly name, but it's my name and I kinda like it." Doctor Lu shrugged as he flashed a crooked smile.

"Hey, um, can we get your phone number so we don't have to send my brother to get you again because we're gonna have to move out of the hotel soon." I asked, holding out my phone for him. Fae smiled and nodded, taking the phone after adjusting how he held Mercy. He typed a few things in before handing it back to me and fishing his phone out of the pocket of his long white coat and handing it to me after opening a new contact. I put my contact info in and handed it back.

"I'll send you a picture of me that I don't hate for my profile photo later, but we'll see because I don't really like my appearance." Fae said, scrolling through his pictures.

"Same. But I'm sure ya could find a picture of me ya like online." I said softly as I received a call from Jeff. I answered, biting my lip because things were now excessively awkward between us because of Mass Extermination Day and his episode. "Hi, Jeff."

"Heyyyyyyy, Angel..." He replied nervously. "I was wondering how you guys were right now."

"Oh, we're good. We're at the porn studio right now with the doctor." I said with a sigh.

"Why, did something happen?" Jeff asked, his worry seeping into his voice.

"No, we're fine, just...gettin' another ultrasound." I explained.

"Oh. Okay. I'm lonely and depressed." Jeff said out of nowhere, causing me to splutter in confusion.

"Wow. Oh, Jesus Christ's booty shorts, I was not expecting that from you. Aren't you always lonely?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes. But I hate it more than normal." Jeff said abruptly.

"Oh you want me to set you up with a blind date, 'cause I can do that." I sighed, rubbing my eyes a little bit.

"At this point, yes, I do want that." Jeff replied carelessly.

"Okay. I'll get to work on that. Bye, Jeff..." I said as the fallen angel hung up. I looked directly at Fae, whose eyes widened when I squinted at him. "What's your sexual orientation?" I asked.

"Uh, I'm gay and demisexual. Are you putting me on as a blind date with your friend?" Fae asked nervously.

"Yes. My friend Jeff is a panromantic demisexual transman. So...are you available on Friday night?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm off at noon on Friday this week." Fae nodded.

"Good, we'll work out the details later. For now, we have to get home because Al looks very uncomfortable and that is upsetting to me. Ciao!" I called as I gathered my family and left.

"O-okay. Bye!" Fae called after me.

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