Chapter Ninety-One: Oh Dear

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I spooned peacefully with Angel on the couch as Rat came into the living room with Nathan and Calypso close behind. The kids settled on the floor after switching the channel to cartoons. Rat watched them, checking his phone with concern before looking up and biting his soft fabric fingers.

"You good, man?" Angel asked softly.

"Fae jus' left t' go rescue his dumbass. I know somethin' bad is goin' t' happen already, but I can't tell anyone what will happen." Rat informed us, laughing bitterly. "One of us might die shortly."

"Oh dear." I muttered, my eyes wide as I looked at the voodoo doll demon.

"Yeah." Rat agreed before sinking to the floor with a hand on his forehead. His phone dinged. "Cal, Fae says he's got somethin' for ya if he gets back."

"Cool." Calypso said softly, barely acknowledging the "if". I noticed it and took a mental note.

Nathan was playing with Jack on the floor, building a house out of blocks. Calypso had her eyes locked on the television and Mercy was leaned against her. The other three were scattered over the living room.

Daniel tripped into the room, his face twisted with panic. He was still a mannequin, so that made an interesting noise when he hit the floor.

"He's here."

Here's where you can ask questions to any of the characters in this book, including me(Rat) and we'll do our best to answer:

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