Chapter Twenty-Eight: Saints of Death Across the Floors

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I peeked through the keyhole of the door, trying to see the lobby. Alastor was behind me with his rifle, looking like a man on a mission.

"They know that we killed off their kin. So now there are eight of them and they look much more powerful than the first wave of them." I whispered to Alastor. "And here's the worst part-"


"Let me finish my damn sentence, Al. They're walking towards the basement..." I trailed off as a knock sounded at the door. I peeked through. "That's them...they're knocking on our door." I said, biting my lips.

Vaggie raced up the stairs, holding a pair of pistols and a pair tommy guns with blue markings on them.

"Angel, here are your weapons. I enchanted them. Half of the others have holy weapons too, so we can just attack if you want to open the door." Vaggie said under her breath. I took my weapons, smiling to myself.

"Angel, here's the plan: we open the door politely and greet them in the friendliest way before shooting at them like there's no fucking tomorrow. Sound good?" Alastor asked, his lazy Louisiana accent trickling through his transatlantic one.

"Hell yeah. Let's go." I agreed before hiding the weapons behind my back and opening the door. The expressionless, godly faces stared down at us and I grinned up at them.

"Howdy, fellas, do ya wanna fuck?" I asked, thinking seduction would slow them down. It kinda worked, because they paused, trying to interpret what I said. "Well, too bad, because you're too slow for my liking!" I said, shooting the one in front and pushing him backwards to knock the others back. Alastor fired shots into their heads as I jumped on one and knocked him down, leaving a sloppy kiss on his lips as I shot him in the chest with my pistol.

More flooded the air and we shot them one by one, me occasionally knocking on over with my body and killing them as I did the "gay shit" to them(kissing, touching their pants, grinding on them). Yes, I know I'm married, but Alastor honestly doesn't give a shit as long as I don't go out with someone else while we're still married. Eventually, Alastor got knocked to the ground and the angel who did it held a scythe up above his head, about to sink it into my husband's chest, giving me the scare of my life(technically death, but this is the second life).

Husk took flight, holding a machine gun, and turned the angel who threatened Alastor's life into Swiss cheese, poking him with so many holes that I was genuinely impressed that his aim was that good for someone with almost no control of the gun.

Alastor got off the ground and thanked Husk, hugging the cat demon swiftly. Another angel tried to kill them, but I shot him through the head. The angel landed with a thud on the ground and Alastor and Husk looked over at me.

"We don't have time for that right now, okay? We can hug when this shit is over in fourteen hours." I shouted at them as I shot at the newly arriving angels that were leaking through the door.

"Right, right, sorry, sugar!" Al called, shooting the angels that circled the ceiling.

"Sorry, dumbass!" Husk shouted at me, kicking an angel in the shin and punching it in the face before stabbing it with the glowing knife he held in place of the machine gun.


By the end of the final hour, our loved ones and family stood, mostly uninjured at the bar, on top of a pile of dead angels.

"Well, we all survived." Charlie said softly.

"Yep." Husk muttered, pouring himself a glass of sparkling cider and mixing it with champagne. "Oh, by the way, I have tea to spill, as Vaggie calls it."

"Ooh, what's the scoop?" I asked, rocking onto my other shoe.

"Shut up you. Let them speak." Alastor said, pinching my elbow.

"I identify as agender, so can you all refer to me as they or them instead of he or him?" Husk asked softly, glaring down at his paws. "I'm still Husker, but I don't want to be burdened with a gender. I don't like that responsibility."

"Yes, because you're just a cat. You can't handle that burden. No gender, only alcohol, smoke, and cat hair." Niffty said, sitting up on the bar.

"Thirty rats stacked in a trench coat." Zoey and Aaron muttered to each other. Alastor turned around and fixed them with a very confused and amazed look.

"That is exactly what I said when Husk came out to me. How the hell...?" Alastor asked.

I snorted. "You've never done the telekinesis thing with your family before? Molly and Arackniss do it to me all the time." I laughed.

"I do it with Husk sometimes, but it's basically just Husk doing it to me. They are a magician after all." Alastor said, running a hand over his face.

"Yeah they are." I agreed, holding Mercy up to eye level with Al. "She needs a diaper change. Where are the diapers and wipes?"

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