Chapter Forty-Five: New House

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"How did you get that much money?" I asked as Angel slapped five packs of money, each holding two hundred dollars, on the table.

"I was the only one coming to work this whole week other than Blitzø. Therefore, I am the only one paid." Angel said with a shrug. "Let's get a new house, Al, I finally have enough money to buy the abandoned estate you've been eyeing."

"Okay, let's buy the estate." I agreed reluctantly before excitement bubbled up in me. "It's massive with enough space for the girls to play outside in a protected space! Isn't that great? I pulled the phone number of the person selling it, here it is." I handed him a business card out of thin air and Angel called it.

"Hey, uh, Mr Nickle?" Angel asked. "Yeah, I'm Angel Dust and I wanted to buy the estate off ya. Which one? Al, which one?" He hissed to me.

"The Southern Garden Estate." I replied quietly.

"Yeah, uh the Southern Garden Estate. Is that okay with you?" Angel asked rudely, bringing back the harsh reality that we lived in hell and not everyone was as nice as our psychotic family. "No! I ain't having sex to buy a home for my family!"

I took the phone to threaten the salesman. "You listen here, you slimeball, leave my husband alone with your propositions for sex."

"Pfft-who are you to try and stop me?" He asked.

"The. Motherfucking. Radio. Demon." I snarled.

"I-I...oh...fuck. I fucked up, I'll give you the estate for free, Mr Radio Demon, sir, just please don't kill me..." Mr Nickle pleaded.

"It's a deal, my good sir. If you go back on your deal, I will not think twice about eating you alive." I threatened him again before lightening back up. "I expect you to be at the front gate of the estate tomorrow morning at nine o'clock sharp with the keys and a happy smile on your face to greet us and show us around." I said. "Ta-ta~"

I hung up, throwing the phone at Angel.

"This is part of the reason I love you." Angel said, kissing me on the forehead.

"What, because I want to defend what is mine?" I asked with a sly smile on my face.

"Yes." Angel grinned.

"Do you wanna dance while the girls are still down for a nap?" I asked. Angel nodded and I dropped the needle on the record player. He held me in his arms as a slow song played and I rested my hands and my head on his chest as he swayed with me.


"Up, up, up, everyone needs to be awake because we are going to visit a house that I like and we might end up living there." I exclaimed as I banged a pot with a wooden spoon. Angel tripped off the bed and stumbled into the kitchen, sitting at the table. The girls woke up and Mercy immediately teleported onto the table, looking grumpy as Louisa screamed in anger from her crib.

"I admit that I forgot that none of y'all were morning people. Sorry, Angel darling." I apologized softly.

"Go apologize to Louisa and change her diaper, Alastor, I'm so used to you that this is extremely normal, you fuckin' morning person." Angel sighed as he picked Mercy up and got a diaper. I ran to the crib and lifted Louisa out, trying to hush her as I repeated that I was sorry over and over. She eventually went silent, pouting a little as I changed her diaper. I put her on my shoulder and poured two mugs of coffee before making a bottle for Louisa.

Louisa drank her bottle in the crook of my arm as I made eggs and bacon for Angel and I.

Mercy sat up in her highchair as Angel scattered cheerios on her tray and made her some oatmeal. I quickly served up breakfast and sat down to eat as the kids happily ate their food.


"Welcome to the Southern Garden Estate, gentlemen." Mr Nickle said with a scared smile on his face as I picked up Louisa and summoned my microphone, and Angel grabbed Mercy and his purse.

"Thank you, Mr Nickle." I said cooly as the salesman led us into the mansion. It was filthy and broken in so many places and I snorted in disgust. "Boys!" I called.

My shadows came racing to me and I stared at them.

"Do a little cleaning up, you three. Amaro, go get Niffty and Husk." I ordered them. They all raced away in different directions and the dust started to clear from the floors and walls.

"How convenient, Smiles. I didn't know you could do that." Angel breathed as he watched my shadows move swiftly, removing dust from the surfaces.

"I don't often like to ask for help from more than just Amaro or you, my dear." I explained with a laugh. "But that's because we have cleaned up and fixed the whole hotel and our apartment."

"Good point." He muttered as he watched the bags under my eyes get darker. "Just don't wear yourself out."

"I won't, dear, it's only until Niffty and Husk get here." I assured him, adjusting how I held Louisa. We toured the house before I took the keys with a smile.

Husk was fixing up the creaky and rotted out floors a little so we could renovate safely without falling through the floor. Niffty dusted and swept and mopped, moving like a bolt of lightning through the mansion before helping with fixing the walls and floors.

"Welcome to our new home, my family." I said awkwardly as the rooms buzzed with the activity of the casual couple.

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