Chapter Thirty-Six: Permission to Attack?

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I woke up to Mercy crying and my phone ringing. I groaned when I realized that Al wasn't even stirring in the least. I tripped out of bed to answer the phone and figure out why Mercy was crying.

"Hello..." I asked as I answered the phone and picked Mercy up.

"ANGEL." The person on the line screamed.

"What do you want." I shouted quietly into the receiver.

"Sorry. Do you remember how many months it's been since Al's last ultrasound?" They asked. I thought for a few minutes.

"Who the fuck is this? Why are you calling me in the middle of the fucking night?" I asked, annoyed as I started to change Mercy's wet diaper.

"Oh sorry, this is Jeff." They said. I grumbled in annoyance as Jeff continued. "How many months has it been since Al's had an ultrasound done?"

"I dunno, probably three." I mumbled, putting a new diaper on Mercy and throwing the other one away. "Why?"

"I'm still getting threats about Fae getting captured and abused until I paint the goddamn thing, so we can't exactly do the normal thing where we go to the porn studio to get an ultrasound." Jeff stated. "So here's my idea: we ask for Vox's permission to beat the crap out of Valentino so we can get to the porn studio safely and do the thing."

"Sounds like a plan. Valentino typically sleeps in until nine in the morning, so we could contact Vox through the tv in our apartment. Can I go back to bed now?" I asked, putting the half-asleep Mercy into bed.

"Yep. Sorry to bother you so late. Fae, go to bed!" A mumble came back. "I know that you have no proper time to do anything fun, but we can do something fun with Al and Angel tomorrow after we go to the studio, right, Angel?" Jeff asked me.

"Yep. Tell Fae I said hi. Good night, brother dear, love you all over there." I hung up so I wasn't sucked into another three-hour conversation over the phone before collapsing into bed with Strawberry and cuddling with him with my nose against his neck.


"Heyyyyyyy..." Al whispered to me sleepily. I blinked awake to find that Al had rolled over to face me.

"Heyyyyyyy yourself, beautiful." I kissed him on the forehead. "How'd you sleep, darling?"

"Like the dead." Al sat up, stretching a little bit.

"Nice. We should sleep like the dead because we are dead." I teased as I got dressed up nicer than normal.

Al watched me with a smile on his face as he put on a loose sweater over a maternity tank top with a pair of leggings and short boots.

Jeff flew into the room with Fae behind him and I looked at the clock.

"Eight thirty. Nice. Ready to make that call?" I asked Jeff as the pair sat in front of the tv. Jeff nodded ecstatically. Al watched us with curiosity as he lifted Mercy out of the crib and put her down on the changing table to check her diaper and put fresh clothes on her.

I turned on the television and rotated the dial like I was calling someone on the phone with my cell phone on top of it.

Moments later, Vox's face appeared on the screen.

"Hi, Vox." I greeted him cheerfully.

"Hi, toots. What's up?" Vox asked.

"Um, so, we haven't been able to get into porn studio for another ultrasound because Valentino has been threatening our doctor's safety over a painting that he refuses to pay for or respect the rules of the artist for." I explained before pointing at Jeff and Fae.

"I remember that doctor. Little Fae, I believe it is. And what's the artist's name?" Vox asked.

"This is Jeff Click. He's Fae's boyfriend." I explained. Fae and Jeff nodded rapidly.

Vox seemed to consider. "So what are you asking for?"

"We want permission to beat the crap out of Val for continuing to beat and rape his employees if they don't do as he pleases." I said narrowing my eyes.

"He WHAT. HE FUCKIN' PROMISED TO STOP DOING THAT. OH MY FUCKIN' GOD." Vox stopped, his face glitching out of anger. "I'll meet you all at the porn studio, we're shutting this shit down until we can find a better owner for it. See you in ten." His face disappeared and was replaced by Sesame Street, the thing it was always set to.

I rang the bell for Husk and Niffty to come up and Niffty raced into the room.

"Can you take care of Mercy until Al's mom and my mom show up to take care of her, we have somewhere to be in less than ten minutes." I asked her and she nodded, racing in and straightening the furniture before sitting down in the center of the couch with Mercy in her arms as Husk lazily walked in and made her a bottle.

"Alright, let's pile into my Excursion!" Jeff exclaimed as he slid down the rails at top speed with Fae perched on his back. I picked up Al and took the rails downstairs as well, slowing down at the bottom so we could climb off safely.

We got in the middle row of the Excursion and Jeff started up the car and sped down the streets until he skidded to a stop behind the studio, next to the dumpster. He put a long furby in the front seat after climbing out and we speed-walked up to the front of the building.

Vox waited at the front door, holding a hand gun as he watched Val's limo start to turn the corner a few blocks away. He ushered us in and we hurried into the elevator.

Al was panting slightly as he dug his claws into my arm and tried to catch his breath.

"You good, Radio boy?" Vox asked, his brows knit together as the lift started to ascend.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I really hate being in a hurry when I'm six months pregnant." Al grumbled, leaning against me.

"You, my dear strawberry babe, are lucky that your feet haven't swelled. Mom had that problem with Molly and I." I sighed, petting in between his little antlers that were just growing in again.

"True." Al agreed reluctantly as the elevator doors opened and Fae ran down the hall with Vox, his keys swinging in his hand and his bag on his shoulder.

I swept Al off his feet and carried him into Fae's office. Jeff followed, on high alert as he held his "Morning Star"-style mace in his two ungloved, inky black hands. Valentino started to walk down the hall as we closed the door, causing the sex offender to look up from his phone in alarm.

I put Al down on the table, pulling my guns and baseball bat out. Vox looked absolutely ready to beat up his husband as the cautious knocks sounded on the door, followed by Val's voice.

"Hello? Who's in there? Answer me, bitch. Oh, is this Fae's office? Has Little Fae come back for a beating, huh? Oh good, I was seeking a little pleasure this fine morning." Val taunted. Jeff looked ready to explode, his face was so full of fury and bright red. The door swung open because Val forced it open.

Fae ducked behind his desk and I could see his little hooves shaking from where I was, by Al. Jeff immediately swung at Val's head with his mace and missed, gasping with shock as Val grabbed his arm and pulled him down so Jeff was at Valentino's feet.

"Oh look. Little Angel's here too. I have two old sex dummies right now and one to try? Hmmmm... alright." Val grabbed my arm and I made a noise of alarm as he tried to pull me down the hall successfully. He had Fae, Jeff, and I. This was not good.

I realized that Vox's screen had been smashed behind the door because of how he was standing and that Val couldn't see Al because Al somehow turned invisible.

"Shit. SHIT. NOT AGAIN." I screamed, cursing in Italian as I threw my phone to Al as discreetly as I could.

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