Chapter Five: Excitement and Dread

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I slammed my hands down on the bathroom counter. All five were positive.

I started to curse in various languages, hating my existence more than I did three minutes ago. Angel Dust must've heard me curse in his home language of Italian because he knocked on the door, asking if I was okay.

"I'm fine, okay!? I'm just slightly perplexed." I called through the door as I pulled my velvet off. My antlers looked plain without it, but I knew that they might fall off later this week, so I was willing to go with it. I opened the bathroom door, leaving the pregnancy tests laid out on the counter. Angel looked at me from the couch, slightly concerned as I collapsed on the piano bench, slamming my forehead into the ivories.

"Al? Strawberry, what're the results?" Angel asked, trying to get me to talk to him. I held up an arm, flipping him off before indicating the bathroom. Angel took the hint and wandered into the bathroom.

I sighed before starting to play Beethoven on the piano from memory as Angel's excited shriek emerged from the bathroom.

"At least one of us is excited right now..." I grumbled as Angel skipped back into my living room, throwing his arms around me and picking me up. He spun me around and then put me down on the couch, flopping down next to me.

I scowled at him sadly and irritably. He looked so goddamn happy, but I was scared about how this pregnancy was gonna go. I want the baby, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I'll be a good parent to this child, this helpless, little, hardly-developed infant.

A child that deserves a better parent than me.

Angel was suddenly holding my face in his hands and showering my face with little kisses. "Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't is good news. Strawberry, I love you and I know you want to keep this baby and you're really worried, but you need to lighten up a little and calm the fuck down. Smile for me?" Angel asked, smiling hopefully as he could with his face looking smaller because of how twisted with worry his face was. I forced myself to smile at him, resting a hand on my belly.

Angel frowned at that before crawling up the wall and screaming as he hung upside down on the ceiling in an attempt to make me laugh. I hardly smiled, causing Angel to look even more worried because that usually works.

He got down from the ceiling and sat on the piano bench, watching me with his soft pink eyes as I sighed and rubbed my stomach, avoiding eye contact with him.

He dropped the needle on a record, playing some of my favorite songs from the time I was alive(I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire, La Vie En Rose, etc).

He offered a hand to me. "May I have this dance, handsome?" He asked, smiling at me and trying his best to stick to the speech patterns of Louisiana men. I took his hand and stood up, nodding once.

He led me in a slow dance where I had my head rested on his chest, holding his hands and he had his chin rested on top of my head as best as he could with my antlers as he held my hands and held me close.

"Oh good, your beautiful smile is back. I was starting to think nothing would work." Angel admitted, kissing my forehead. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. He knew me so well for someone who I didn't know loved me until today.

"But then I couldn't keep the nickname "Smiles", could I?" I asked, resting my head on his chest sleepily.

"Nope, you couldn't. I'm glad your sweet little smile is back, Strawberry. It's getting late. Do you want me to stay up here tonight with you or do you want me to go downstairs?" Angel asked sweetly.

"Stay up here with me. I can make my bed larger for you and I to sleep comfortably." I replied, yawning. "I want something sweet for dinner..."

"Okay, I'll make pancakes for dinner." Angel said. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You can't cook to save your life, darling, don't kid yourself." I pointed out, squinting at him. "We'll request something sweet downstairs for dinner." I yawned again. "Why am I so tired?"

"Being pregnant does that to people, especially you, Mr I-don't-wanna-sleep." Angel said, poking my nose.


Downstairs, Charlie and Husk looked surprised when I asked if we could have something sweet for dinner. I understand their shock but I simply don't care. The little bundle of morning-nausea wants something sweet.

"You good, man?" Asked Husk, rolling up his sleeves as he prepared to make sweet and sour chicken and rice.

"I'm tired and hungry. Fucking...hURRY UP." I screeched. Husk surrendered before starting the rice in the rice maker and the chicken in the oil.

"Jesus, Alastor, enhance your inner tranquility. We get it, you're hormonal, but now's not the time to screech at your cook." Husk muttered, sighing. I gave him the sternest look I could manage while still smiling, causing him to shut up. 

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