Chapter Fifty-Four: Shapeshifting

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•Mercy's point of view•

"I won't question this sudden urge for you to try to shapeshift, but I don't think it'll work." I mumbled as Stitches propped Mister Stripes next to me on my bed and closed his eyes to try to shapeshift.

"Shut up, you could be trying to do this too." Stitches said as Calypso's bony figure turned into a turtle. I picked up Calypso the Turtle and put her on my thigh as Stitches managed to turn his skin bright green.

"Ooh, almost." I said before encouraging him to continue. He shrank and morphed awkwardly into a frog before springing right at my face. I caught him and fixed him with a look of utter no.

"C'mon, sis, I just wanted to try it out." Stitches complained as I held him and refused to let go.

"Don't jump at me like that again." I scolded. "Very good job though."

"Your turn. Do the thing." Calypso spoke up, changing back into her normal form. I put Stitches down and he promptly turned back, pushing me off the bed teasingly.

"Fine, I'll try." I sighed. I tried to shapeshift into a miniature version of Dad and I felt my body change a lot all at once. It was an odd sensation. When it stopped, I opened my eyes and looked down at myself.

I had done it. I now looked exactly like Dad.

"That's amusing." I said as I wobbled to my feet. I was much taller now, telling me that I was a literal copy of Dad and that I could be his mirror image.

"Ooh, that's not a bad idea, Mercy. I'll be Angel then." Calypso decided, her cheeks turning a deep pink as she changed. She was eight feet tall and looking exactly like Pops and she adopted a confident attitude immediately before kissing me on the cheek.

Stitches changed into Jeff with some effort and flapped his copied wings awkwardly.

"This isn't that different from my body other than the height, horns, and wings." Stitches muttered. "Now let's go show Dad and Pops what we can do." He led the way out of the bedroom to the den and immediately tapped Jeff on the shoulder.

"Holy mother of Jesu-" Jeff exclaimed, clapping a hand over his mouth. "What the fuck. What the fuck. How the fuck."

"Hello to you too, Jeff." Stitches said, mimicking Jeff's voice perfectly.

"I am so very concerned." Fae muttered as he glanced between my baby brother and Jeff.

"Hello, darling." Stitches cooed in Jeff's voice. Jeff pushed Stitches away with an angry noise in the back of his throat.

"Leave my fiancé alone." Jeff growled.

"No you." Stitches countered.

"Stop it both of you, this is very concerning and confusing to me because you look and sound exactly the same." Fae exclaimed, looking at me. "Alastor, which is the fake?" He asked me.

I mimicked Dad's voice. "Well, which one has a baby bump right now, hmmmmm?" I asked.

Fae wordlessly pulled Jeff into his lap and pushed Stitches away, making a growling noise.

Pops and Dad wandered out of the kitchen to see what's going on and immediately burst into laughter.

"Beautiful job, you three." Dad laughed as he looked us over.

We changed back to normal and thanked him before he changed into the three of us all at once.

"Maybe you can learn to do this too." He laughed as our doppelgängers before changing back.

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