Chapter Eighty-Six: An Encounter

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*Rat's point of view*

I stared into my tea before drawing a tarot card as the door swung open.

"Oh fuck no. This can't possibly be a good omen."

It's the Death card.

I looked up and there stood Daniel, scanning the shelves. He mumbled to himself before approaching me.

"Do you have any books on how to reinforce curses?" He asked me. I paused time before sprinting to the shelf with all the reinforcement chapters in them and making them look like gardening and meditation books. I went back to the desk and basically pushed play on the universal remote, still panting slightly.

"No, sir, I'm 'fraid we don't." I lied, popping my lips.

"Do you know how?" He asked.

"No." I lied again.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm really absentminded." I lied once more, adjusting my sunglasses on my nose.

"Any herbs you think may work?" He asked.

"Pepper." I muttered sarcastically to myself before yelling at him. "I said I don' know and I don' want t' tempt me deities inta giving me more bad luck by givin' ya a bad answer. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to close th' store t' go on break. Get outta 'ere."

He left and I frantically cleansed the store and myself before sending several hexes at him and praying to Dionysus and Athena that the hexes would work. I unenchanted the books so they looked like normal again and called Jeff on the rotary phone on the wall.

"Hello?" Fae asked.

"Oh dear, I forgot that he was taken. I'm sorry 'bout that. Anyways...I made it so Daniel, the man comin' for ya guys, couldn't find out how to reinforce his curses." I informed Fae.

"So that means he was powerful in the first place. That is not good." Fae muttered.

"No it ain't, Fae. I could try an' sap his magical energy though."

"That's probably the best option." Fae told me and he hung up. I didn't mind, I had to get to work on protection charms and sapping Daniel's energy.

Husk appeared in my apartment upstairs, their arms crossed and their wings folded.

"'Ello, Husk." I greeted them unfazed as I mailed out a few black envelopes with sigils, protection jars, and literal charms inside for Angel and Alastor. They all had my symbol as a return address in silver.

"'Ey, you." Husk said after a solid minute of sitting there in silence.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning to face the cat demon.

"I brought ya the paper." They dropped it on the table. I picked it up and read the headline.

Woman Attempts To Murder News Reporter Katie Killjoy In A Flash Of Rage

"Oh dear." I muttered as I read who did it. It was apparently Janice, which didn't surprise me in the least, but wouldn't Fae have stopped her? Katie was now in critical condition in the hospital as Fae struggles to keep her alive by himself.

I sent a little luck charm to Fae and the paper changed to tell me that Katie was now in stable condition in a medically-induced coma until she got better. I smiled slightly.

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