Chapter Thirteen: Cut the Cake

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I fixed Angel in a loving stare as he began to instruct the first activity: the baby name board. I watched demon after demon walk up and write a few names down on either side of the board, looking proud as they slunk away.

Arackniss didn't look very confident when he walked up and scribbled a single word on the girl's side before retreating back to his sister's side. I leaned to see what he wrote.


I raised my eyebrows at that. I liked that name already. I nodded at Arackniss a little bit, causing his face to light up.

When everyone had had a turn to get up to the board and had done some of the fun stuff Angel had set up, I watched Angel march up to the stairs at the front of the ballroom to address the guests.

"Alright, so, it's time to cut the cake and reveal the gender of our baby. Alastor, would you do the honors?" Angel asked.

"You're a dork. Sure, I will." I replied, making my way to the cake. A knife was next to the cake and I picked it up. Angel tripped his way to my side and the crowd moved around the table.

I had the urge to butcher it, but I knew that wouldn't be appropriate at all, considering that my mother was right there with my father and I didn't think that they knew that I was a murderer and a cannibal. I cut it carefully, slicing a piece out of the cake, revealing a pale pink color on the inside of the cake.

I gasped happily. "I'm gonna have a daughter?" I squeaked happily as small murmurs of congratulations emerged from the crowd.

"Yeah, Strawberry, you are." Angel said, kissing me on the cheek. "Now let's pass out cake and then we'll debate a name and give you the gifts for the baby and you that they brought." Angel handed me the piece I sliced off on a paper plate and urged me to go sit down, which I was happy to do(my back hurt and I was exhausted).

People gradually gathered around me as I sat in my chair in front of the board of names. Angel sat down on the floor next to me, his head rested on my thigh as he listlessly picked at his cake.

"So. A name. I'm really happy with the name Mercy for one of the names." I said softly. Angel looked up at me and a spark of agreement appeared in his light pink eyes.

"That name is pretty. And isn't she such a tender mercy to our lives?" Angel asked. I looked over at Arackniss, who seemed to be glowing with happiness, and smiled.

"Your brother suggested it. It was the only thing he wrote on here." I said softly, tapping the board lightly. Angel grinned.

"And he thinks that he's stupid? Jesus Christ, he's a fuckin' genius." Angel laughed.

"I agree. He needs to stop beating himself up." I said. Angel called Arackniss closer and the darker spider demon wandered closer, looking happy but confused.

"So. Uncle Arackniss, are you proud of yourself?" I asked, half teasing as I absentmindedly put a hand on my belly.

He forced himself to speak. "A-admittedly, I-I'm n-n-never proud of m-myself...w-why?"

"Because you, my dear fellow, deserve to feel happy with yourself. I know your brother and sister are both proud of you and are you proud of yourself? No." I said softly to the darker spider.

"He means get your act together, Arackniss, you can be proud of you. Dad ain't around anymore to shame you about you." Angel piped up.

"I-I mean, I-I g-guess. I-I c-came out t-to Dad a-and...I-I think you know w-what h-happened n-next, e-especially you, Anthony." Arackniss said softly.

"Aw, you came out to him as yourself?" Angel asked. "And he didn't like that?"

Arackniss nodded sadly. "I-I c-came home d-drunk, w-wearing a dress a-and heels and a w-wig a-and I-I came out t-to h-him as a b-bisexual p-person. H-he b-beat me a-and Molly c-came to g-get me a-after I-I called her on the phone s-sobbing." Arackniss said, tears forming in his many eyes.

"C'mere, come get a hug, my sad valid little bean!" I exclaimed, holding out my arms for him. Arackniss melted into my arms, sighing with content as he hiccuped. Angel wrapped himself around both of us, muttering that we were all sappy pieces of shit.

"Yeah, we're sappy pieces of shit, but we're your sappy pieces of shit." I pointed out, chuckling softly.

"True that, true that." Angel agreed.

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