Chapter Eighteen: Mommy Demon

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I jolted awake to find Mercy crying and the reddish sunlight drifting through Alastor's apartment windows. I sat up with a groan and a sigh as my joints popped one by one.

The bed was empty of Alastor and I checked my phone to find that Alastor had sent me a text from Jeff's phone, informing me that he was at Rosie's with Jeff and that they were just hanging out and talking about things.

I sent a text back, saying that was fine and that I would take care of Mercy for a while before retrieving her from her crib. I changed her diaper as quickly and efficiently as I could, just like I used to do with my brother when he was small, laughing at the memory of Arackniss being embarrassed every time I asked who potty trained him after two years of changing his diapers.

Mercy was way more adorable than Nissy though, I will give her that. That might be because she's my child and that she looks so much like Al. I don't know, but I'm happy with her appearance.

"C'mon, Mercy, let's get you dressed and fed." I said, tickling her slightly and causing her to laugh. We were lucky she was so expressive at a young age because otherwise she would've cried and Al would've slapped me when he came back because I made her cry.

Don't ask me how he would know that I made her cry, he just seems to have this telepathy thing going on between him and Mercy.

I put her in a onesie that said "Mommy's Little Devil" and then took her back out to the kitchen to put her in her sleepy bouncer thing that Cherry bought for her, before retrieving a pair of little socks, shoes, and overalls to put on her.

I put them on her as I started to make a bottle for her with the two extra arms that are normally hidden.

I let her eat her bottle as I hastily put on my own clothes, picking out a pair of cargo shorts and a print shirt that said "Mommy's Dumbass" in the same lettering as Mercy's onesie before putting on a pair of sneaker wedges over my thigh-high striped socks.

I burped Mercy quietly before turning on the TV I put in the apartment and setting it to Sesame Street because we could still tune into the programs on Earth.

I put on some makeup, brushing out my hair and making sure it looked nicer than it did when I woke up and putting on a hoodie and feeding Fat Nuggets.

I put a sweater on Mercy before parading down the stairs with her. Mercy laughed as I made soft clicking noises with my tongue on my way down the final flight of stairs. I grabbed a doughnut and a coffee, eating as I took care of Mercy.

"So, Anthony..."Arackniss started, still awkward as ever. I looked over at him, smiling with a mouthful of doughnut. I swallowed quickly before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Good mornin', Nissy." I said.

"Are you on babysitting duty today?" Arackniss asked shyly as Pentious came through the door.

"Yep." I said, holding up Mercy to him. "Say hi to Uncle Nissy, Mercy."

"Hi, small child one." Arackniss said quietly to Mercy, fluffing up her hair. Mercy reached out and touched Arackniss's small nose, giggling. Arackniss kissed her little hand, smiling at her with adoration.

"Alastor gave birth? Why am I never informed of anything?" Pentious complained. I shrugged before showing her off to him with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Look at her!" I demanded, trying really hard not to smile at Sir's flabbergasted expression. Pentious's astonished expression melted into something soft and sweet and he held her four chubby little hands in his two long thin ones, cooing hellos at her. I snuck a smile at Husk and he smiled back, leaning over the bar to pat her head with his pointy paws, being really careful not to hurt her.

Babies were something rare here in hell and even most of the most psychopathic demons and sinners down here wouldn't hurt them because they know better, which was smart because normally the demons who actually manage to have children are extremely powerful (I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about Strawberry) and will kill for their child without a second thought.

Alastor teleported onto the barstool next to me, greeting me with a smile and a kiss on the cheek as he stole Mercy out of my arms.

"Good morning, darling." My boyfriend said to me as he checked Mercy over for any damage before showering her in kisses.

"Good mornin', babydoll. How was your visit to Jeff?" I asked, noting that his hair had some blue streaks in it. He might've fucked up on accident when he was talking to the gods. Oh well.

"It was nice. We watched some picture shows on the television and talked about feelings and caught up with each other because we haven't really been able to sit down and talk about what happened in the almost sixty years we were apart." Al said, smiling slightly less than he did when he appeared next to me.

I frowned, trying to think of something to make him laugh without tickling him until he clawed me. "Hey, Smiles, take off Mercy's sweater." I said after a few long moments. Alastor fixed me with a puzzled stare, but did it, lifting away the sweater to reveal the words on Mercy's onesie.

He smiled slightly at that and I took off my hoodie to reveal my own shirt. He full on laughed at my shirt as I stood there, grinning like the idiot I am.

"Mommy's Dumbass is the correct title for you, Angel, who gave you that shirt and this onesie?"

"Molly and Cherry gave them to me as a joke. I think the joke worked. They also sent a shirt that says Mommy Demon on it for you, if you want it." I stated, sitting down.

"Well, that ought to be useful when we end up going on family outings. You know, color-code your family, it's easier to hunt them down if you can see them." Alastor said with a lot of content in his voice. I laughed, nodding in agreement.

I became aware that Husk was loosing his shit behind the bar a few moments after Al and I stopped talking. I slapped him lightly, telling him to knock it off before curling my ankle around the leg of Alastor's stool.

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