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*Rat's point of view*

Please read this part carefully. It's both a thank you note and a brief notice about the next part of the story.

So, you made it this far in the story. I have to say, I'm impressed. Some people don't make it all the way here. Others moved on. The people who are loyal to this book and its plot made it to the next one.

That's right, you heard me. The next book.

The story doesn't end here. This is only a decade out of the story.

Buckle up, bitches, there's another coming and it might be focused more on the kiddoz than the adult entities.


And now, to answer questions from the readers with the rest of the squad.

1: Are y'all okay?

Alastor: *clearly lying through his teeth* Yes.

Angel: Haha, no.

Charlie: i has the big sad

Vaggie: *shrugs* who the fuck even knows.

Husk: *loud slurp noise*

Niffty: I'm doing okay.

Daniel: I've been worse.

Valerie: *shrugs*

Vox: Define "okay".

Velvet: I'm great, thank you for asking!

Mercy: *scratches scalp* Eh...that's more of a question for Cal...I'm good though, how are you guys?

Calypso: I'm going to go cry now. :)

Stitches: *angry kazoo noises*

Prince: *blinks slowly* I'm literally a brand new character in here, I think I'm fine because I haven't gotten too involved in y'all mess.

Sam, Jackson, Aubrey, and Nathan: *being actual toddlers*

Jeff: I got a new book and I'm married, I think I'm fine as of now.

Fae: *having a mental breakdown over his cactus dying from being overwatered* yep.

Molly and Cherry: *vibing*

Rosie: I'm okay, darlink, zank you for asking.

Heather, Harlow, Lee, Lyric, and Lily: our smiles hide so much pain :)

Al's parents: We're good, thanks!

Angel's mom: I'm traveling right now and having the time of my life.

Jeff's step-mom and dad: We're all good here.

Aziraphale: when am I not okay?

Crowley: oh lord heal this mental health...

God herself: i have inhaled the void and am now dying slowly

Rat: yeah...I'm okay, I'm more concerned about what the hell the oracle and the gods were on when they made the prophecies these guys are going through...


2: What powers will the triplets get?

Rat: Oh, well then. Triplet #1, Sam, has super strength and a powerful voice that he can use to call attention to himself in even the noisiest settings. It's not revealed properly until the next book though.

Alastor: Jackson is probably the most powerful triplet. He has the ability to repel or attract people by just thinking about it, the ability to silence others, crawling on walls, shadow manipulation, etc. This is because, as Angel said, he is a direct fusion of Angel and I.

Angel: And finally, Aubrey. Aubrey can also manipulate others into complete silence, fade out other people's voices, make people fall in love with her, and she has a really powerful voice. She has spoken magic mostly and she has been known to manipulate her siblings.



Valerie: Hold on. My ears are ringing because you screamed. What did you say?

Alastor: I think they asked to play with your hair...

Valerie: Of course you can. I'd be happy to let you. :)


#4: how's everyone doing today? (PS: Ava says hello)

Rat: see above for the answer to your question, but-

Jeff: HI AVA

Fae: Jeff. Inside. Voice. Hello, Ava. Who's a pretty borb?

Mercy: awwww, you have a bird? that's so cute!! 💗

Calypso: *perishing from cuteness overload* o-oh. *gay panic*


#5: Jeff, Rat, and Station Management: Describe how you feel whenever you drop a shitload of chapters all at once.

Rat: You guys go first.

Station Management: *unholy Eldritch noises*

Alastor: I'll translate. They said: "I always feel so tired when we drop chapters, but it's always worth it with paying power bills off you guys's happiness."

Jeff: Wow, thanks for translating. I always feel happy when we drop chapters. It's so fun.

Rat: I feel like a malicious faerie coming out of the woods with a large stack of papers in the middle of the night. I'm the one who writes most of it.

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