Chapter Sixty-Eight: Get Pretty and Go to War

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

"I wanna dress up today...maybe in a dress..." I heard Alastor mumble. He was obscured completely in the closet as he dug through both his and my clothes.

"Do you want me to find the dress that you tried on while drunk last time you got excited with the Courvoisier?" I asked lazily from the bed.

"I actually tried on a dress while I was drunk?" Alastor asked, almost glaring at me as he reappeared outside the closet.

"Yup. You also refused to take it off until I had to get you to bed." I chuckled, getting off the bed and pulling out a long bag from the closet. From the bag, I pulled a beautiful red cocktail dress with a long train at the back and a built-in corset.

"I tried that on?" Alastor asked, looking down at the dress with disbelief.

"Yeah." I replied.

"And I didn't take it off until bedtime?" Alastor inquired again.

"Yep." I agreed.

"What else did I do to embarrass myself?" Alastor sighed, rubbing his temples.

"You worked a pair of heels the whole time, made Valerie do your hair and makeup, and you were in a feminine Southern drawl the whole time. Also-you had me help you tuck your dick and you were wearing a stuffed bra. looked very feminine and cute." I replied.

"Like I could have been a drag queen?"

"Like you could've been a drag queen."

Alastor thought for a moment before fixing me with a solid stare of determination. I recognized that look and automatically knew that I was so fucking doomed.

"I'll get the strapless bra and fake tits." I sighed before digging through the tub I had full of drag materials. I threw a roll of duct tape and a pair of black panties at Al. "Go tuck. I'm not doing that when you can do it."

I helped him get dressed up and I called Valerie to do hair and makeup again when he was fully dressed in the cocktail dress and heels.

Valerie came running, bouncing on her heels as she decided what she was gonna do. She curled Alastor's hair after Al made his hair longer and then did his makeup, making his eyes and lips pop.

"Pretty gorl." I drawled in the most fake Russian accent I could manage. Alastor slapped me teasingly before wobbling to his feet and marching down the stairs.

I heard a knock at the door and flew past Alastor on the staircase to answer it.

It was Charlie, holding three file folders in one hand and Vaggie's hand in the other.

"We found three men who might've done it." Charlie said. "We just need to show Calypso the pictures and verify which one it is."

"Oh good." I said, letting the pair of lesbians into our home. We got our answer, and it was the principal of Cal, Mercy, and Stitches's school.

"We got a bitch to capture." Alastor exclaimed, picking up the folder of the man who did it and walking towards the door, gesturing to Pentious and Arackniss to follow him. He was still wearing exactly what we had put on him today, even though it had a pair of six inch heels included.

"Please bring him back in one piece, we still need to torture him." I called after my husband. Alastor made a noise of agreement right before the heavy wooden door slammed shut behind him.

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