Chapter Seventy-Eight: Calypso's Final Decision

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Wizard phrög.

~Angel Dust's point of view~

When Calypso and Mercy got back from the bookshop and Alastor came back with a bag of books and some tea and coffee, Jeff finally unlatched the door to the little room of insanity to let Vincent out. Vincent stumbled out, trembling and whining as Jeff held him up by the handmade straight jacket to keep him from escaping. He took the painting off the wall and handed it to Heather before throwing Vincent to the ground.

"Hey, sweetheart, what's your final decision on his fate?" Jeff asked kindly, taking a knee next to his daughter. Calypso's jaw trembled as she made her final decision.

"I will not forgive him. I am going to...release him. Painfully." Calypso said coldly, taking on a more demonic form. Her feet left the ground and a pair of blocky fairy wings appeared just inches away from her shoulder blades. Her scleras turned black and black tear trails appeared under her eyes. A pair of blood red crosses appeared on either cheek and a glowing sword appeared in her hand.

Mercy looked worried about Calypso, but stayed at Alastor and I's sides as Calypso cut the muzzle and straight jacket off Vinny. She then dug her sword into his side, her expression still icy cold as Vincent screamed. She cut a massive hole in Vincent's stomach, causing blood to pour out onto the floor and his internal organs to come unraveled (mostly his intestines). It was horrific, but still, Alastor was laughing like this was the best thing because his jambalaya meat would already be gutted.

Vincent was still screaming, so Calypso punctured his lungs and decapitated him to make sure he stayed dead.

She seemed to realize how bad what she'd done was and took off up the stairs at the speed of a fighter jet. Mercy raced after, trying to get Calypso to stop flying so damn fast.

"Jambalaya time." Alastor said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he pushed all of Vincent's newly made corpse into a black body bag and started to drag it up the stairs.

"Sure, Strawberry. Do you want me to help?" I asked.

"Not until I'm done with butchering the meat." Alastor grinned at me. "You can, however, call my parents to invite them over for jambalaya."

"Does that mean I get to touch your broadcasting stuff?" I asked excitedly.

"No. That means you get to use the old-ass phone on the wall that I had to install and rewire." Alastor said with a smug smile.

"Aw, okay." I sighed, following my husband, the body bag, and the trail of blood up the stairs.

Brief explanation about what the fuck just happened with Cal. Calypso has just formed her fully demonic form for the first time at the age of eight. She's a bit late in doing so, but that's because the idea of being a full demon scares her. Mercy has already done hers and Stitches has done his.

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