Chapter Sixty-Five: I Will Kill A Child. Watch Me Fucking Do It.

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:Stitches's point of view:

I climbed on the bus and sat down in the row Calypso, Mercy, and I sit on our way to and from school, waiting patiently for my sister and our friend to get on the bus.

A huge upperclassman who looked extremely undereducated lumbered down the aisle of the bus and saw me. He grinned down at me after he saw my name tag.

"Stitches, huh? What a stupid name! Your mama must be such a crackhead, huh, girly?" He sneered. First, I picked out my name and I like it, second, I have two dads and no mama, third, the one who birthed me is not the one who snorts white powder at the kitchen table (yeah, called ya out, Pops), and lastly, I am not a girl. Four comments that offend me deeply. My limit is five before I'm allowed to throw a punch if he doesn't try to beat me up first.

I remained silent, opening my book as calmly as I could.

"Fucking nerd. My daddy says that you shouldn't read books because you're a girl and girls can't read. Girls are just cooks and housekeepers." He laughed, stupidity dripping from his sexist words. I slammed the book down on the bench and took my backpack off, tying my matted hair back so I could see him better.

I shapeshifted easily so I was taller, standing a solid foot above him.

"Back off NOW." I growled, getting the heavy static going in my voice.

"Make me." He snarled, spitting on my shirt as he landed a punch on my cheekbone. I grabbed his shirt by the collar and punched him in the face until his nose was bleeding and his eye was purple with bruises before throwing him on the ground and breaking his arms and legs one by one until I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

"Stitches, what are you doing?" Mercy asked politely. I glanced between my sister and the bully who stared up at me with fear and regret from the floor next to the row I beat him up in.

"He insulted me five times and I asked him to back off and he said to make him, so...I've rendered him defenseless." I explained, sitting down after reverting back to my original height. "Where's Cal?"

"I don't know, but she better get here soon. I'm getting more and more worried that she has been killed." Mercy said, sitting next to me on the bench.

The driver started up the bus and Calypso came running down the sidewalk and onto the bus, tears rolling down her cheeks and bruises blossoming on her dark skin. Small cuts adorned her skin and her clothes and hair were unkempt and wrinkled.

Mercy let her sit between us so we could both comfort her. She sobbed into Mercy's shoulder, clinging to my older sister with fear as I gently rubbed her back.

"What happened, Cal?" I asked softly, pulling the first aid kit out of Mercy's backpack (because I like to get in fights, Dad decided to just start sending Mercy and I to school with a first aid kit).

"I-I don't... I don't wanna about it..." Calypso hiccuped as I started to clean her cuts up gently. Mercy held the trembling girl close while I put bandaids on her cuts.

"Who did it though, honey?" Mercy asked. Calypso shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, starting to cry as she buried her face in my shoulder this time. I stroked her hair gently and hummed one of the lullabies that Dad hums to us to get us to calm down.

When the bus pulled up to the estate, we all clambered off the bus with our hands linked. Jeff and Pops were there to greet us. When none of us ran towards the pair, a concerned look set into Jeff's face. Pops was none the wiser as we slowly walked towards the pair.

"Welcome home, kids!" Pops exclaimed cheerfully, causing Calypso to flinch extremely hard.

I fixed Pops with the coldest stare. "Do you not have an inside voice, Anthony Angel Dust Aracane-Glass?" I asked with the most serious voice I could muster. Pops realized his mistake and mouthed sorry at Calypso before covering his mouth.

"What happened?" Jeff asked, tucking his foster daughter into his arms. Calypso hugged back frantically.

"She won't tell us. I think she has been traumatized by some form of abuse while we were at school." Mercy said. "She was called into the office today for no reason. She is a straight-A student and very well-behaved, so I was very worried when she wasn't back for class at the end of the day."

"Why would anyone hurt such a sweet little girl?" Jeff said, distraught over the fact that his foster daughter was hurt and sobbing in his arms.

"I don't know why anyone would hurt her. And I'm kinda pissed about it." Pops growled. Mercy and I glanced at each other.

"Maybe Aunt Charlie could help?" Mercy and I asked in unison. "Or Fae?"

"Charlie would probably be better, knowing my fiancé's temper. He would be so fucking angry and that might scare Calypso." Jeff decided. "C'mon, kids, let's get in my big truck. Angel, go get Alastor and give him the scoop."

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