Chapter Eighty-Three: Shit is the Only Word I Could use to Describe This.

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Mom came sprinting into the house, tackling me and straddling me like she used to during tickle fights, but her face suggested anything but.

She had something terrible to tell me.

"What's wrong?" I asked cautiously as Dad plodded closer. Dad knelt next to us and Mom rattled off her story, her eyebrows knit with worry.

"So...Angel and I are being threatened by one of my exes?" I asked after several silent seconds. She nodded.

"The cards said so and Fae's protection jars for you and Angel had turned black and were steaming like they'd been over fire for several minutes before being dunked into water. That was one nasty curse they caught, so Fae had to do a formal releasing and cleansing of the jars before he buried them." Mom told me. "And Cupid appeared to tell Fae about the man coming for you guys and your kids. He's green with a very angry aura and a buff build. I think it could be Daniel."

No. No, not him. My nightmare can't be coming true.

"Oh dear. I just hope I don't die like this before the triplets are even one yet." I laughed nervously, sitting up better.

"We'll be doing our best to keep you all safe, honey, but there will be some...trials to this. We've never really dealt with a magic this strong before." Mom said, kissing my forehead and getting off of me.

"Do you need my help?" I asked.

"Do you wanna be in the line of fire?" Mom asked pointedly.

"Yes. I want to protect my family." I shot back. "All of it, even if I'm at a risk."

"How noble of you." Mom said dryly.

"I mean, we've got several Pagan witches, at least one Wiccan green witch, several powerful children, a literal voodoo doll demon who specializes in divination and protection, and us. We specialize in Voodoo. We can do this, Mom. We've handled an army of angels, remember?" I pointed out.

"I thought Husk was the only Pagan. Who else is Pagan?" Mom asked.

"Nathaniel, Jeff's dad. And also that cat lady at the witch shop. She wants to help whenever she can." I shrugged.

"Oh. Cool." Mom mumbled as Jackson came running into view, sprinting away from the cat, who was making an ominous screaming noise instead of his usual meows.

"Da!" He cried, running into my arms.

"Hello, Jack. Khoshekh, behave." I scolded the floating cat.

"I don't recall you ever having a cat, when'd you get this beautiful monstrosity?" Dad asked, petting Khoshekh.

"I picked him out of a dumpster a few weeks after the triplets were born. Someone had closed it with him inside." I explained as I petted the curly white hair that grew out of Jackson's head.

"Oh, poor baby..." Dad cooed at Khoshekh, who was purring so loudly that the air seemed to vibrate with the energy of his contentment.

"Mmmmm...were you trying to sit on Khoshekh again, Jackson?" I asked the trembling little boy. He nodded wordlessly. "You know he doesn't like that, Jack. Don't do that when Khoshekh is trying to enjoy his time floating inches from the ceiling."

"Yes, Da." Jackson said quietly.

"I can't believe you turn one in two months. Time really does fly, doesn't it." I asked no one in particular. Mom nodded in agreement with my statement.

"Guys, where's Jeff?" Fae asked, panicked.

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