Chapter Sixty-Four: Happy New Years, Bitches!

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

It's well past bedtime for the kids and Alastor and I are up for the countdown after Alastor, Fae, Zoey, Jeff, and Jeff's dad put a magic guard on the manor to protect all of our family from the extermination.

Charlie was on screen, announcing that she had gotten hitched to Vaggie and that Lucifer and Lilith were no longer on the throne since she had done her coronation. We were proud, of course, but we were also concerned about how her hotel would go from here.

Charlie finally started the countdown from one hundred and I poured Al and I a glass of wine each, sliding the wine glass to Al over the table.

We did the cheers at ten seconds 'till midnight and drank our wine. When it was officially midnight, Alastor grabbed my shirt and kissed me roughly. I kissed back, softening his passionate yet violent kiss but maintaining the same energy as I ran my thumbs over his cheeks.

He pulled away as Charlie sent up the flair of warning to go seek shelter and we went to bed together, spooning in the bed as death rained from the sky.

At around one am, Mercy and Stitches appeared in our doorway, their silhouettes shaking and their eyes glowing as the pair climbed into bed with us.

"What's wrong, guys?" I asked softly as Alastor tucked the two into his arms.

"It's too loud." Stitches complained with fear badly masked in his voice. Mercy made a noise of agreement as she tucked her face into the fabric of Alastor's night shirt.

"That's true, but that happens every year. It's part of the extermination." I stated, taking Stitches so Al could hold Mercy better.

"Why though? Why does it happen every single year?" Stitches complained.

"Do you want me to tell him or do you wanna do it?" I asked Alastor, who looked like his life had flashed before his eyes.

"I think I'll do it." Alastor decided before running a hand through his hair. "You would probably have to fact-check me on this, but it all started after the last major war in Hell. Heaven and Hell had been waging war against each other for many many many years and it all finally ended when Charlie was brought into existence as an embryo in Lilith's womb. God stopped fighting Lucifer because Lucifer was quite obviously holding back after Lilith had gotten pregnant. The angels soon realized that Hell was much less scary when there were less demons. So, there are yearly exterminations now. Charlie is trying her best to put an end to the exterminations, but God is not willing to listen." Alastor explained, his voice crackling as the radio noises seeped back into his voice. I petted his hair a little bit.

"That was a good lesson, teach, can we sleep now?" I asked teasingly. Alastor smiled lovingly.

"Of course, darling, good night." Alastor whispered and my eyes fell shut almost against my will.

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