Chapter Fifty: JEFF HOLY SHI-

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Alastor was kidding about getting me neutered, it turns out. He only took me to the hospital so he could drop Fae a lunch during his work hours, to my great relief.

The bookshop that Jeff worked at had gotten permanently closed because the owners couldn't afford to keep it running. It was a used bookstore that had barely any books anymore because it was so well picked over. Now Jeff, Fae, and Calypso live in a house that was originally meant for the gardener and groundskeeper of the estate.

Alastor eventually told me that he was carrying triplets this time, causing me to lose my collective shit.

"Are you sure, Alastor?" I asked.

"Yes. I had an ultrasound. Are you stupid, Angel?" Al asked, tilting his head as he watched me.

"I'm gonna say that's a strong maybe..." I replied, biting my lips. "Did you tell anyone else?"

"Yes. Fae knows and I told Jeff last night. Mercy guessed that I was expecting more than one baby yesterday when I was reclining on the couch with her next to me, so she knows. Stitches hasn't shown any indication of knowing, but y'know, he keeps secrets very well." Alastor said, looking at me with an amused look on his face.

"This is really funny to you, isn't it?" I asked, sagging in my seat as I tried to imagine taking care of three babies at once plus Mercy and Stitches.

"Yes, it is quite funny to me because you're the one who caused this. I asked to have sex and you couldn't say no to my drunk ass. You know better." Alastor chuckled, sipping his iced tea.

"Well, you gave me the doe eyes when I said no the first time and started to touch me, so it's your drunk self that caused it more than anything." I grumbled.

"Well, there's no getting out of triplets, Anthony. We're both gonna suffer through this and make all five kids into lovely people." Alastor sighed.

"Okay, if that's what'll make ya happy, Smiles." I surrendered, kissing his knuckles. Alastor smiled at me fondly, running a lazy hand through my hair.

I knelt at his feet, resting my head on his knee and my hands in random places below mid thigh on his body. Alastor absently scratched my scalp lightly with his claws, humming to himself as he opened his book and read.

Mercy got home with Calypso an hour later when we were still in that position and asked if something was wrong when I didn't acknowledge them being there.

"No, no, dear, Angel's only half asleep, nothing more. I have no idea how my leg is still awake, but I'm fine with it." Alastor laughed as he ruffled Mercy's bangs.

"Is your leg really still awake?" I asked, lifting my head off his knee. Alastor nodded as he laughed. "The actual hell?" I asked, confused as all shit(what else is new).

Jeff kicked open the front door, sending the door flying across the room.

"ALASTOR, HOLY SHIT." Jeff screeched.

"Jeff, put the door back on right." Alastor warned. Jeff put the door back on its hinges and kicked his shoes off, sliding over on his socks.

"'Ey, Jeff. What's up, man?" I asked, holding up a fist. Jeff bumped it as he buzzed with excitement.

Jeff slammed a familiar-looking pink stick on the table and went to scream in the corner. Al picked it up and promptly made an excited buzzing noise in the back of his throat.

"You managed to get pregnant without being off testosterone?" Alastor asked, intrigued.

"FUCK YEAH I DID." Jeff screamed.

"Did you enjoy the process though?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the demisexual man who was extremely excited about this literal new development.

"It... I, uh, I was uncomfortable with it at first, but did feel good." Jeff reluctantly admitted.

"Did you have to drug Fae?" I asked, causing Alastor to slap me.

"No. No, I didn't. I had to tell him that it was gonna be a science experiment though." Jeff cackled. "He took it without a question. I love my fiancé..." Jeff sighed, finally mostly calm as he stole my spot at the table.

"I would hope so. He's your fiancé, Jeff." Alastor said, tilting his head as a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah." Jeff laughed. Fae wandered in, being careful with the door that had a muddy footprint on it from Jeff kicking it open at top speed.

"Are you quite done leaving destruction wherever you go now, Jefferson?" Fae asked, giving Jeff a very tired look that basically screamed "I ain't taking no more of this bullshit" as he sank down into a chair next to Jeff.

"Yes, I think so." Jeff said before promptly waving his hands at the speed of light and squealing like Charlie on helium. Alastor made loud radio noises and whined as he pulled on his ears in response to Jeff's rather high-pitched excitement.

"Shut the fuck up, Jefferson Star Click-Thompson Lu." Fae said, threatening to deck Jeff in the face. Jeff bit his lip and went silent.

"Sorry, Fae." Jeff murmured as Fae tucked Jeff into his side with an exhausted sigh.

"Jeff was an angel, so he can reproduce without the danger of having a miscarriage, however, if he somehow does have a miscarriage, the child will go straight to heaven and be raised not to know him. Which is sad by any humane standards. The span of the pregnancy should be about...a year, which I know is three extra months of being slightly numb to proper life." Fae explained.

"I do not envy you, Jeff." Alastor said absentmindedly. "I would not like to be carrying the triplets for longer than necessary, thanks."

Jeff chuckled at that remark from my edgy bitch of a husband. "Suit yourself, kid."

"Continue Mr Doctor Man, I am very interested with the current topic you're lecturing on." I said to Fae. Fae scrunched his nose in response to my strange statement and continued about the facts.

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