Chapter Thirty-Two: A Date With The Hottest Motherfucker

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[Fae's point of view]

Jeff led me into the restaurant and I stared down at his gloved hand that held my hand, my cheeks flushing behind all my foundation and concealer.

I didn't know quite how to describe this man.

This man with his crooked smile and jagged teeth and beautiful eyes, who names his plant something long and absurd just because he can.

This man with his blue freckles on grayish skin that turn out to be stars when you get closer.

This man with his broken horn and red and brown hair, who wears black lipstick and makeup even though he's a transgender man.

This man, with the clipped sky blue wings on his back and before they got clipped used to be an angel, who gives kind looks to everyone and smiles like he has nothing better to do than make people happy.

This man named Jeff, who cares about people, unlike the rest of hell.

This man was the purest person I'd met in my life, except for a few flaws.

He sat us down at a table that he had booked and opened the menu. I mirrored him and was greeted by familiar names of Asian food dishes. I immediately knew what I wanted to eat, praying that it would taste the same as I remembered. Jeff put the menu down when a waitress approached with a tray of waters, smiling and thanking the waitress in Chinese when she placed two waters down for us. I noticed that she was blushing behind her mask after Jeff thanked her and automatically squinted in disbelief and annoyance.

"So, Jeff, why are you here in hell?" I asked, sipping the water the waitress had left for me.

"I'm a smoker and drinker, plus the fact that I'm trans." Jeff replied. "What about you?"

"I smoked too, but also I have killed a man in the operating room." I confessed.

"Oh my god, why did you kill him?" Jeff asked, obviously amused.

"He slapped my ass before I pushed him into the street and then I ended up having to operate on him to save his life, which I did incorrectly on purpose so he would die before I went back and fixed my "mistake"." I replied simply. "He was an asshole." I grumbled.

"I imagine he was. However, I am glad you killed him so I could meet you here." Jeff hummed, absentmindedly stirring his water with a straw as he smiled at me. I felt my ears go red as I grinned back.

The waitress came back with a paper pad and pen in hand, her cheeks still red.

"May I take your order?" She asked, more to Jeff than me.

"How 'bout you go first, Fae, m'dear?" Jeff said as he eyed her facial expression with annoyance hidden behind his cheerful expression.

I raised my voice into the feminine vocal range and placed my order, scaring the crap out of her. She didn't know I was there? How dare she."Yes, Jeff, I'll go first. I will have the Chow Mein dish with the sweet and sour chicken and fried rice. Also-may I have an egg roll and a pot sticker?" I asked sweetly. She hastily scribbled down what I wanted before Jeff placed his order.

"I will have the same as my date if you wouldn't mind." Jeff declared with a wide grin that clearly mocked the waitress. "Fae, how did you get the same order as me?" He said humorously as he chuckled. I shrugged, giggling.

"Luck, I guess." I laughed as the waitress retreated with embarrassment radiating off of her.

"That was a nightmare, Jesus Christ." Jeff sighed as he adjusted his glasses. I nodded in agreement, sagging in my seat a little bit.

"I hate when people assume things without asking." I sighed.

"I asked for your pronouns, so...I'm not really one of those people, right?" Jeff asked. I shook my head, saying that he was very thoughtful. "But at the same time...I also don't really care to ask most of the time. I see some people as it and some as they." Jeff continued, avoiding eye contact with me.

"I do that too unless their pronouns are mentioned." I said softly. "I think it's normal."

Jeff looked at me with relief in his eyes as a waiter walked out in place of the waitress, carrying the trays of food and placing the dishes in front of us.

"I am so sorry for my coworker's behavior, she does this so much it's not even funny. Forgive her please, she doesn't know any better." The waiter pleaded.

"It's all forgiven, just...tell her to not openly flirt during work when there are more than one person at the table. Most of us are really uncomfortable with it." Jeff forgave with a reassuring smile as he pulled apart his chopsticks.


We were laughing and talking about stuff for most of the night after our blind date when he made a soft noise of pain, clutching his chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, I'm just dandy." Jeff tried to reassure me through his whines of pain.

"Oh, c'mon, you can't be serious. You are talking to a doctor right now and your chest isn't supposed to hurt that bad. Give me the truth, Jefferson." I growled, using his full first name as a threat. He collapsed and my instincts went haywire.

I picked him up as carefully as I could and sprinted to the Convertible, laying him down in the backseat as the furby on the dashboard screamed. I undid all the buttons on his blazer, vest, and shirt to reveal a binder that was compressing his chest.

"Forgive me, Jeff, but..." I pulled a pair of scissors out of my backpack that was still in the front seat and cut his binder as carefully as I could before calling the hospital to come get us. Jeff's chest was black and blue with some bleeding where his binder ended. I covered it back up by draping my jacket over him.

I called Angel to tell him that we were going to the hospital because Jeff fainted from lack of air before slapping Jeff's deeply asleep face as I checked his heartbeat.

An ambulance came flying down the road and I flagged it down frantically. Now is a great time to start praying to my deities, isn't it?

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