Chapter Fifty-Seven: Fuck It

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I have lost my goddamn mind. I am still waiting for the triplets to be born and they are now three days overdue. I have accidentally bruised myself in an attempt to not hit Angel by squeezing my arm. I have started to laugh eerily under my breath and I am well aware that my eyes are frequently in and out of the radio dial effect.

"Angel, get Fae. We're going to induce labor. I can't handle this shit." I demanded that morning when Angel wandered into the room with a bowl of oatmeal for himself after getting me food.

"O-okay, Bambi, if that's what you want." Angel said softly, dialing Fae's number. Ten minutes later, Fae raced in, covered in snow and pushing a cart of tools. Shane followed, wearing a pair of plastic medical gloves.

"Alright, we aren't going to induce labor like you want but do you want to be able to feel this, be numbed from the rib cage down, or just be knocked out for this, because this shit be painful stuff." Fae asked, prepping the area. "There's no option except C-section though, I'm afraid, so don't even ask."

"Just numb me, I would like to see my brood right after they've been born." I decided, not even caring about having C-section performed on me.

Fae put a needle in my spine carefully after rolling me slightly so he could actually see my extremely bony back. I felt the numbness hit me like a falling piano and I let myself focus on Angel's hands instead of my bump for once in the past several weeks.

Angel's fuzzy white hands with pink fingers and the random splotches of short pink fur all over. Angel's hands which are bigger than mine in width, but not in length. Angel's short claws that were always either painted red or black. The little hearts in the center of each individual palm.

Then there were my hands. My leathery black hands with red knuckles and red claws at the end of the fingers. My long, thin hands which always held something. My long claws that were always red until I paint them. The little white heart I had tattooed onto the palm of my hand as a stress button.

Angel squeezed my hand as he watched what Fae was doing with concern. I cleared my throat and he brought his gaze back to my face.

"Angel, don't pay attention to that if you're so scared. I'll be okay and so will the triplets." I told him softly. He took a shaky breath and nodded, forcing a smile.

"Okay, Alastor." Angel whispered, squeezing his eyes shut. I rubbed small circles on the back of his hand as the sharp cry of a newborn baby pierced the air.

"That's one...a little boy..." Fae mumbled, handing the baby off to Shane, who wiped down the small wriggling child, loosely wrapping him in a thin blanket, and putting him on my chest. The other two were not far behind: another boy and a girl. Fae stitched me back up and wrapped my torso in bandages.

The first one had bright red hair, eight black eyes, Angel's small, pointed ears, and four arms with a deer tail. The second one had a shock of white hair, ten eyes of various shades of red and pink, a deer tail, six arms, and deer ears. And the third had eight bright blue eyes, deer ears, four arms, and jet black hair.

"That's three adorable children. Oh how sweet." Jeff whispered as the twins cleaned up.

"Oh and one more thing..." I said, sitting up a little better.

"What?" Angel asked as I stared him down. I chuckled darkly before landing a firm slap on his cheek.

"That. That was for your bad habit of not using a condom. We could've prevented this." I scolded him. "But...on the other hand..."

"I know, you like children. We've got five now. Lucky you." Angel said, shrugging off the pain in his cheek.

"Yeah...yeah. Lucky me. But I've also got you." I added, crossing my legs and pulling him on the bed. He leaned against me as I placed the redhead boy in two of his arms and the raven-haired girl in the other ones, holding the one with the bright white hair.

"What names should we give them?" Angel asked me softly.

"Samuel Aaron for the redhead. He reminds me of my dad a lot." I laughed. "And Aubrielle Snow for the little girl. That's what I got."

"How about Daniel for the white haired little boy?" Angel asked.

"That's the name of my ex, Angel." I sighed. "Try again."

"Um...Jackson maybe?" Angel asked.

"That's a good name. Do we want to give him a middle name?" I asked.

"Nah, we don't have to. I don't have a middle name and neither do you." Angel shrugged.

Jackson made a soft cooing noise from my arms, opening one of his eyes at me and lifting a little fist in the air. I kissed his hand with a chuckle before handing off Jackson to Jeff and standing up shakily to put on shoes.

"I'm going on a run. Y'all can't stop me because I haven't really moved at all in weeks and I have a good reason for wanting to move." I shouted as I shapeshifted into a full on deer on my way out the door.

I ran around the forest, my body full of adrenaline and a smile on my animalistic face as I embraced my freedom.

I watched a doe step into the clearing when I paused on top of a high rock. I recognized her as my mother and I jumped down gracefully to greet her.

She dipped her head at me before she nuzzled my face, pressing her nose to mine. I wagged my tail slightly and Mom did the same before my father stepped into the clearing, still in his half demon form.

"Hello, son. It's been a while since I've seen you. How have you been?" Dad asked, scratching behind my ears and poking my nose. I dipped my head before shifting back to my familiar form.

"I've been worse, but I've been better. This is the first time I've been out and about for almost a month. You have five total grandchildren now." I informed the pair, standing up straight. Mom shifted back to normal and a smile overtook her face.

"Three more grandbabies? You do work a bit hard, Ali." Mom laughed.

"Trust me, Mother, it wasn't my idea or Angel's. A mere coincidence, if you will." I chuckled dismissively. "Their names are Samuel, Jackson, and Aubrielle."

"Those are fine names, my son!" Dad exclaimed with a smile similar to mine on his face.

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