Chapter Twenty-Four: Wedding Day (part two)

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I walked down the aisle, looking at Alastor, who looked at me with awe and pride in his eyes, like: "that is my new spouse and he is so very pretty and mine and I love him".

I smiled at him as I reached the front and hooked a hand on his elbow.

"You look absolutely ravishing, darling." Alastor complimented me softly, smiling the truest smile I've ever seen on him. It was cute.

"No you." I said, chuckling quietly.

Lucifer started to read off the passages to marry us together, fixing us in a death glare to get us quiet. We read our vows to each other and finally...

"I do."

"I do."

I kissed him passionately and he kissed back. I could feel him smiling into our kiss before he pulled away.

"Let's go cut the cake, huh?" I asked, holding his hand.

"Throw the bouquet, Angel." Alastor said, nudging me. I shrugged.

"Okay...? YEET." I threw the bouquet into the crowd. The flowers landed in Pentious's lap, causing the snake to blush furiously and try to protest against it.

"The flowers have spoken..." Alastor laughed, shrugging as Pentious laughed awkwardly.

"I guess Sir is getting married next." I shrugged as we cut the cake together.

Alastor gave me a little bit of cake in my mouth and he looked awkward as all hell as he did it, but I did my best to be sexy as I ate it off the fork. I swiped some of the dark chocolate icing off my cake and put it on his top lip. He gave me an amused look that said "what the fuck, Angel" as he licked his upper lip. I giggled when he left some there and I kissed it off.

"I love you so much, Strawberry."

"I love you more, my lovable idiot."

We danced for a while, Alastor and I swapping the roles of lead every now and then. Alastor's parents kidnapped us from each other because my parents were not there (Dad was exterminated and Mom was in heaven).

Aaron danced with me, saying that he was proud of us for getting married. I spotted a familiar face in the crowd that I hadn't seen in many decades.

"Excuse me a moment, Aaron, I have to meet someone..." I said, curtsying to him and stepping away to meet the woman I saw in the crowd. She attempted to get away, but I chased her down and cornered her.

"Anthony...? What are you doing?" She asked.

"It IS you. What are you doing here, Mom? I thought you were in heaven?" I asked softly.

She smirked at me. "God couldn't handle me. I got thrown out of heaven when I tried to get him to eat my spaghetti and stubbornly wouldn't let him get out of it." Mom laughed.

"Oh my god. You...oh are such a force to be reckoned with and I love that, but you scare people..." I sighed, helping her off the ground. "Lucky score, you look like us." I said, looking her over. " are an albino black widow spider. That is rather rare."

"I guess." Mom laughed.

"You have to see our family now. It has changed so much since you've last seen us!" I dragged her off to Arackniss first.

Arackniss let out a sob when he saw her and hugged her tightly as he cried. Molly tackled Mom when she saw her. Alastor came closer to me, tucking into my side with Mercy balanced on his hip. Cherry folded her arms as she watched Molly. Pentious held Arackniss and petted his hair as Mom tried to get her bearings. Aaron and Zoey approached, holding each other.

"You multiplied. Holy heck." Mom said with a certain amount of horror in her face.

"You better bet we did." Molly said, smiling and laughing as Cherry wrapped her arms around her.

Mom spotted Mercy and automatically went into full-on Grandma Mode. "Is this my first grandchild?"

"Yeah, Mom, Alastor here gave birth to her because I apparently can't." I said, giving a crooked smile. Alastor batted my shoulder in embarrassment as Mom started to dote on Mercy.

"Her name is Mercy Sky Aracane-Glass and she is three and a half months old." Alastor said softly.

"Hi, Baby Mercy, oh look at you my little bella. She knows she's cute, doesn't she?" Mom asked.

"She knows I'll kill for her." Alastor said darkly.

"As you should. She deserves to be protected." Mom agreed with a laugh. We chatted lazily as a group, taking turns holding Mercy for hours before retiring to the hotel and Mom babysat Mercy while Alastor and I got freaky in bed all night (wedding day sex, am I right?).

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