Chapter Fifteen: Here we go.

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I jolted awake at some ungodly hour of night with Angel curled around me and the sheets in between my legs soaked.

I shook Angel after forcing myself into an upright position.


"zpdhekzjna" he unintelligently replied.




"wwwhat is it, sugar?" my boyfriend yawned.

"ANGEL GET YOUR SKINNY LITTLE ASS UP, THE BABY IS COMING. LET'S. GO." I screamed in his face. Angel's droopy eyes shot open and he flew off the bed.

"dontpanicdontpanicdontpanicdontpanicdontpanicdONTPANIC." Angel chanted just loud enough that the whole top floor was filled with his panicked noises.

"You're the one panicking about this more. Do you need some instruction, Angel?" I asked, biting my tongue at the pain.

"Yes please." Angel said, looking remarkably like a lost puppy. I took a sharp breath in and started to tell him what to do and our plan of action now that I was in labor.

"We're going to the studio. Doctor Lu is probably the most willing to help with this because both of us are clueless little shits when it comes to this and this is hell." Angel said, pulling a duffle bag out of the closet.

"I do have some instincts you know." I grunted, scowling at him. "Go get your brother and have him get the doctor. There's too many flights of stairs and no lift." I took off my underwear. "Mercy is gonna be born here."

Angel paused, looking at me with his eyes as wide as saucers. I was now completely naked and in labor in the attic of the Hazbin Hotel, stubbornly insisting that I would give birth to our daughter here in our "home".

"O-okay. I'll go get Arackniss to go get Doctor Lu from the studio and be right back. what you gotta do, okay? I love you. Be back shortly." Angel disappeared behind the door and I could hear his quick footsteps on the floor under our little apartment.

I got in a more comfortable position with my legs apart, sighing and grumbling and whining. I decided to start humming to myself to calm down as another contraction hit.

Angel came racing back into the room, skidding to a stop next to me. "Arackniss is going to get the doctor, just like you asked. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"My sarcasm would like me to say be pregnant for me, but that's not an option. How 'bout you just hold me, Angel?" I grumbled. Angel tucked himself behind me, his legs awkwardly on either side of my legs and his hands holding mine. I rested my head back on his shoulder, groaning quietly as I forced myself to hum What a Wonderful World.

Arackniss threw the door open, coming in and the doctor came right to my bedside, opening a his bag. Arackniss slunk back out the door, stating that he would wait in his room.

"Alright, Alastor, how long are your contractions and how painful?" The doctor asked.

"They've been around a minute each and they've been going on for two(?) hours now and my water broke half an hour ago." I grunted. "I also have no idea how I kept track of that."

" guess is that you're going to have your daughter in your arms in maybe...under twelve hours? I don't know, but I promise painkillers if you want them." The doctor said. "To be fair though,...nevermind, doesn't matter. We'll continue."

I could see uncertainty in the doctor's eyes as he instructed me to put my legs up on Angel's bent knees and to push every time a contraction happened. I knew there was a place for the baby to come out behind my cock, so I didn't have a problem with the idea of natural birth from a man, but the doctor clearly had other opinions and didn't see the hole.

"Listen here, doc, I have an extra hole for her to come out of. Just have some confidence please-" I interrupted myself with a shout of pain.

The doctor took a deep breath and pulled on a pair of plastic surgery gloves and a surgical mask. Angel reached for a pair of gloves and put them on as well before moving my cock out of the way so the doctor could see the hole better.

"Okay, I see the hole. I can also see just a little bit of the top of her head." The doctor said, shining a flashlight in between my legs.

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