Chapter Twenty-Nine: Visit to the Manor for a Game of Croquet

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I poked at Angel to wake him up when I was a couple months pregnant for the second time.

Angel burrowed his face deeper into the pillow, stubbornly refusing to wake up. I glared down at him before grabbing Mercy and putting her down on his back.

Mercy, being fully awake, started to pull on Angel's hair and and pinch onto his really short fur that coated his skin. I grabbed my microphone and requested the noise which I knew Angel hates: the sound of his mother screaming in rapid Italian and scolding him for doing something stupid.

Angel shot into a sitting position and I dove foreword across the bed to save Mercy just in time to catch her.

"Are you quite done being asleep now, Anthony?" I asked, holding Mercy closer and giving him The Look. Angel nodded numbly and I sighed, standing up straight. "Good. Get up. We're going to go see Valentino and Vox. I have a few questions for Valentino and a game of croquet to play with Vox. Vox has been terribly bored lately, so he's been bothering me on the television in the lobby whenever I should pass through." I explained, putting Mercy down on the changing table.

"Okay, we'll go. Do you know where Vox lives?" Angel asked, tripping out of bed and going to hunt down a fresh pair of underwear and some clothes.

"With Valentino and Velvet. Do you not remember when we went to Vox and Valentino's wedding? They managed to adopt Velvet on top of all that." I asked, changing Mercy's diaper.

"Oh right. Do they live at the porn studio or...?" Angel asked, slipping behind the bathroom door without closing it all the way.

"They live near the porn studio, in a rather large mansion." I replied. "We aren't anywhere near as rich as them, but they don't really care, which is always nice." I tossed the diaper into the trash and put a plain red onesie on Mercy.

"Okay, that's always nice, close are we talkin' because I ain't never seen a mansion anywhere in the city." Angel said, reappearing in the main area as he buttoned his ripped jean shorts.

"Thirty miles away." I said as I put black leggings and socks on Mercy.

"Are you fuckin' serious?! We aren't going that far!" Angel exclaimed, throwing his top hands in the air as the bottom ones found his hips.

"Oh right. You never went to America. You stayed in New York your whole life because nothing was spaced really far apart. In Louisiana, we considered thirty miles to be "close to my house". I don't know if it's still like that, but eh, I don't care right now, ask Vaggie or Lily for verification." I shrugged, putting a pair of little boots on Mercy's feet before wrestling her into a sweater.

"America was weird." Angel muttered, sounding annoyed.

"I know. So all Americans here have bizarre quirks and shit." I agreed, putting Mercy in front of the television to watch a picture show as she had her bottle and I got dressed quickly.


"Ah, Alastor, you're here!" Vox exclaimed as he opened the front door. I allowed him to pull me into a hug and I patted his back awkwardly.

"Is that Alastor and Angel Dust I spy?" Valentino asked as he descended the staircase in a "fashionable" jumpsuit.

"Yes, sweetheart, it is! And they brought Mercy too!" Vox exclaimed cheerfully. "Are you ready to play croquet, Al?"

"Yes, but I have important matters to discuss with Val first if you don't mind." I said softly.

"Go ahead, he has nothing better to do than that." Vox said, letting me inside.

Valentino got the message and led me into his tea parlor (because he's secretly a classy motherfucker from the early Victorian era).

"So. What do you want?" Val asked, sitting down and pouring himself a cup of tea.

"I was wondering about how your essence works, Valentino." I stated plainly, summoning my own cup of sweetened iced tea.

"Like, what do you mean? What part of it do you want to know more about?" Val asked lazily as he reclined on his chair.

" to word this...I was wondering how many pregnancies it would stabilize." I replied softly.

"Maybe three, but two is safe-ish and three is a risk. Four is you're gonna need to call me to give you more...why do you ask?"

"Idiot got me pregnant again. Partially my fault, but he was the one who didn't pull out in time." I sighed, sipping my tea.

"Oh boy...Angel never really was good at topping, was he?" Val sighed. I scowled at him.

"He's fine for me, I don't care. I'd rather not be having sex for that long anyways unless I am seriously high on my rut." I grumbled.

"Go play croquet with Vox, go. Your sex life is boring." Val dismissed me.

"Fuck yourself, Valentino. Unless you like freezing...then have Vox fuck you..." I mumbled, heading to the yard where Angel was helping Vox set up as Velvet took selfies with Mercy.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, with an exception of Vox standing on my foot and me smashing his screen with my croquet mallet(he was fine after an hour of laying on the ground and recovering from that hit-his screen has been enchanted).

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