Chapter Sixty-Three: Christmas Day

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I sat there in my cozy reindeer sweater with Jackson in my arms and the bigger kids on the floor, making piles of gifts to different people. Angel was barely awake yet and still in bed, though I predicted that would change the same second he realized it was Christmas morning.

Charlie and Vaggie had come by at six this morning to make us all Christmas breakfast and put their gifts under the tree.

Angel's family was here with their partners and they were pretty much all passed out on one of the couches except for Arackniss, who was contemplating wearing his festive sweater.

Valerie came by with Vox and Velvet, looking absolutely stunning unlike the rest of us, and she sat in the wingback chair, chatting with Charlie about pretty hairstyles and clothes.

Husk and Niffty descended our stairs with a few bottle-shaped packages and several lumpy packages.

Jeff's friends showed up with Rosie and instantly found weird little spots to sit around the living room.

Jeff and Fae showed up with Shane, Calypso, and a tiny baby. Calypso tackled Mercy in a hug and Mercy hugged back excitedly. Fae sat down like a civilized person with the little baby in his arms as Jeff energetically flitted around the tree and placed presents.

" have you two been?" I asked Fae after the fawn sighed heavily with a yawn.

"Tired. This is Nathan, Jeff and I's kid by blood. He has really bad colic, which makes him cry a lot because his tummy hurts. He ends up curled in Jeff's arms every night after crying for about two hours. Lucky you, you don't have a kid that really likes to cry." Fae grumbled, scratching his scalp and making his hair stand up in an even wilder position.

"Aubrey likes to cry, Fae, she only goes silent when I'm holding her." I corrected him. As if on cue, a cry broke the air as Aubrey woke up. I watched Jeff race up the stairs to retrieve the baby girl with a sigh escaping my lips. Jeff came back downstairs with a perfectly content Aubrey in his arms and a grin on his face.

"Well then. That's a new development." I mumbled, awestruck.

"Maybe it's all in the pheromones." Fae suggested. "I mean, you two have known each other for over a century now and that might've affected your attitudes and behaviors. Anything can happen here in Hell."

"True..." I said as another knock on the door sounded. "Who could that be? Everyone is here." I got up and answered the door to find a tall man with dark brown hair and light blue stars all over his cheeks standing at the door. He had powder blue wings and a thorny white halo and his eyes matched Jeff's perfectly.

"Is Jefferson here?" He asked politely. I nodded, uncertain as to why he asked.

"DAD." I heard Jeff shriek before a few footsteps sounded behind me and Jeff launched himself over my head and tackled the man.

"Heyyyyyyy, kiddo. I came by for my annual Christmas visit to you a bit early, I know, but I couldn't wait." Nathaniel said, hugging Jeff tightly as Jeff did the same.

"We don't mind none, do we Al?" Jeff asked me.

I shook my head. "The more, the merrier. Come on in, sir." I laughed. Nathaniel came in as Jeff excitedly danced around his father before tackling the couch next to Fae.

Jeff excitedly caught his father up on the current happenings before showing off his son to his dad. I found this amusing because Jeff was created before the Earth was made and his father was created only about one hundred or so years ago.

"Well look at that. One big happy family." Nathaniel smiled as he took in his surroundings and the people in my living room.

"I guess we are." I agreed as Angel descended the stairs. Angel sat down and put his long legs across my lap. I greeted the sleepy spider, who was holding Sam in his bottom arms, with a kiss.

"Hey doll." Angel yawned in his thick New York accent, causing me to grin and lean so I was next to his ear.

Softly, in the thickest and lowest Louisiana accent I could do, I said: "Good mornin', mon ange. How'd ya sleep?"

Angel sat up rigidly, blushing furiously and spluttering in his flustered confusion. I laughed triumphantly as he tried to stop blushing.

"WE' BEEN TOGETHA FOR SEVEN FUCKING YEARS, AL, STOPPIT. WE GET IT, YA KNOW YA HAVE "IT" AND YA VERY PROUD OF IT. STOPPIT." Angel scolded me, using the old slang. "It" was used to describe how sexy one was by another person, normally said like "oh he has 'It'".

"I'm flattered, dear, but the fact that we've been together for seven years does not mean I don't get to make you blush. Watch your language in front of the children. Now, let's get to unwrapping our gifts." I said smugly. Mercy, Stitches, and Calypso were blurs as they all passed out gifts to everyone in the vicinity.

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