Chapter Nineteen: Mimzy and my Deep-rooted Anger

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I strapped Mercy to my chest, using an "Ergo baby carrier" after putting on my clothes for the day. I was going out shopping for more clothes for Angel, who is stupid enough to spend all his money on me, Mercy, and drugs. Only Satan knows how much he steals my clothes.

I went to the mall with Angel in tow as Mercy slept on my chest with her little hands curled around my torso.

I had Angel try on some clothes to get a feel of how clothes that weren't tailored for him or me would fit him. Angel went through a few sets of clothes until they fit the right way and I listed his sizes before sending him on a mission to collect some clothes he wants to try on to see how the different colors look on him and I patiently waited by the dressing rooms for his return, gently stroking Mercy's already long hair out of her face and humming quietly to myself.

"Alastor, is that you?" A feminine voice asked, causing me to look up fast enough that my neck bent a little and cracked. I straightened it back out again with a little annoyance.

"Mimzy?" I asked, cracking a smile. "Hello, my dear." I greeted the flapper girl. She smiled back at me, her cheeks flushed.

"It's good to see you, handsome, how have you been?" She asked.

"Oh, I've been lovely. The stress of taking care of a newborn is good for me because I finally have something to do other than disrupt other demons and try to help with a hotel." I explained to Mimzy with a bright happy smile adorning my face. Mimzy's expression darkened automatically and she tried to keep a smile on her face.

"Oh? Who did you get knocked up to have a baby with?" Mimzy asked, her seemingly happy expression taking up a sadistic air.

"Myself. Do you have a problem with that, my dear?" I asked, anger visibly building behind my expression.

"Yes, I do, sir." She emphasized the last word, frustrated by the fact that I was happy with someone else and with my own child.

My shadow, Amaro, appeared behind me, deep anger showing in the very few features he had. I restrained myself, knowing that I wanted really badly to just beat her up with my bare hands but I also had Mercy to worry about.

I would wait for Angel to get back. My microphone buzzed and crackled loud enough for it to broadcast to Angel that I was in a pinch as Mimzy yelled and screamed and carried on. Mercy woke up and started to scream in anger at the fact that she was now awake against her will.

That sent me over the edge faster than you could summon Charlie (which is extremely fast because this is Charlie we're talking about). I sat there, staticky and glitching, my eyes turned into the radio dials and my grin as wide as it could be as I made buzzing noises and talked in an eerily abandoned-radio-station-esc manner. Voodoo symbols appeared around me and Amaro appeared in physical form next to me as my antlers grew and Angel came running towards me with his tommy gun in his hands.

Mercy, all the while, was crying in the most staticky way as her face turned red.

"Alastor? What's wrong?" Angel asked, getting as close to me as he could, knowing that I would hit him without a second thought when I was like this. I wordlessly passed him Mercy before discarding the baby carrier and summoning my microphone directly into my hand.

"I have a bitch to destroy, hold on, darling. I will come back shortly, just take Mercy and continue shopping." I said, grabbing Mimzy by the hair and teleporting out of the mall.

I reappeared in front of Rosie's Boutique, where Jeff was chilling on the porch. Jeff jumped out of his skin when I suddenly appeared in his line of vision. He predicted a fight and went inside to retrieve everyone to watch me destroy a bitch and cheer me on.

I threw Mimzy to the ground before kicking her in the stomach to knock the wind out of her before sitting on her and pounding her face in, clawing at all of her features, biting really hard every now and then, and pulling her hair. My audience of "family" screamed in approval, Heather sounding louder than the rest because he loves a good fight.

I stood up to admire my work for a few seconds, allowing her enough time to say: "you shouldn't hurt a lady." I glared down at her, sneering.

"You're no lady, Mimzy Benar. You're a cold-hearted, gold-digging bitch that fetishizes repressed gay men. Do you hear me, Mimzy Benar? I hate you so much because you hated my happiness with my boyfriend and you woke my child with your screaming and you deserve to be bURNING WHERE NIFFTY WAS BURNING HERE IN HELL BECAUSE YOU ARE AS MUCH OF A SLUT AS NIFFTY WAS ANd Niffty never deserved to suffer what she did because she wasn't married aND YOU WERE." I went silent for a moment before leaning down until my nose was inches from hers. "I am not wrong, sweetheart, and you know it in the depths of your stony heart, so back the fUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE BEFORE I SEND YOU TO YOUR SECOND DEATH, do I make myself clear, Mimzy Benar?"

"Crystal. Clear." Mimzy ground out. I stood up straight and kicked her hard in the stomach before snapping to teleport her back to her club.

I took a deep breath and turned to face my audience, taking a bow as they cheered and threw flowers with approval. I picked up a rose and put it in my hair, smiling.

"That was amazing, gurl, I'm happy that I could hear your whole rant because I would've destroyed her for waking my child too." Heather said, giving me a high-five.

"Thank you, thank you, now I must go back to Angel and Mercy to assist in their shopping." I teleported back to the mall behind Angel and tapped him on the shoulder, startling him.

"Oh, Al, you're back! I'm glad. How'd it go?" Angel asked, kissing me on the cheek.

"I threatened her life, the usual. And I physically beat her up this time, which actually helped me blow off some steam. Let's see what you got, give me Mercy." I smiled at my beautiful boyfriend.

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