Chapter Eighty-Five: Oh Hell No

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Janice attempts child murder, but Fae stops her.

[Fae's point of view]

I was tracking down Daniel on the astral plane when I heard Janice's eerie voice accompanied by Hera loosing her ever loving mind. I instantly knew something was severely wrong and stopped astral projecting.

I was right about how something was wrong. Janice was attempting to kill Nathan, but failing because of Calypso using her little portal trick to stop Janice's clammy hand from making contact with my son's neck.

"JANICE. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING." I asked her, furious as I grabbed the little boy. She stared at me as though surprised and disappointed at the same time.

"You don't kill children in this dimension?" She asked.

"What...? NO."

"But Phillip allowed me to kill both of our kids. I just thought I'd be rewarded with sex for killing them here." She said softly. I was disgusted and I resisted the urge to throw up over the fact that she had no mercy towards my children's doubles when they had barely experienced life.

"Janice, I am not physically attracted to anyone other than your double as of the moment and if you want me to fuck you into next week because you killed actual children, you are severely mistaken. As a doctor and a scientist, I don't condone that type of behavior. Get out of my house. Don't do it again." I pointed sharply at the door and she sagged and left.

I breathed a sigh of mild relief as I checked Nathan and Calypso over to make sure they hadn't been hurt at all. The children clung to me like plastic wrap after that incident with their father's double.

"Oh dear. What happened to them that is making them cling to you like that?" Alastor asked when we went in for dinner.

"Jeff's double felt like killing actual children because she thought that sex would be what she got for doing it." I sighed as I sat down, shooting Janice with a look that could kill a man because of how emotionally charged it was. She smiled back, completely oblivious. Mercy coaxed Calypso off my back and into her chair at the table, holding her hand to keep Calypso feeling okay with being at the same table as Janice.

"I was just trying to do something nice for you." She told me.

"Well ya fucked up my son, look at him, he's got anxiety." I growled dangerously as Angel gathered the other four of his and Al's kids and scooted away from the female.

"No child should be killed." Alastor stated firmly. I nodded in agreement and most everyone at the kitchen table agreed, leaving Janice further confused.

"You are not my wife, and you're lucky if I don't murder you." I told her as I served Calypso and Nathan dinner. "Do you understand?"

"Painfully." Janice said, looking so sad and frustrated. Am I really better than Phillip?

I served her a little before Khoshekh came charging around the corner and onto the table. Alastor grabbed the cat and held him to stop him from eating directly out of the pan as I dished up a little bit of the meal in a small bowl and put it on the floor. Khoshekh floated gently to the floor to eat, making the air vibrate with his purring.

"Cat." Aubrey said vaguely from her highchair.

"Tentacle cat, Aubie." Sam told her.

"He floats." Jackson told Nathan excitedly.

"Good Khoshekh." Nathan nodded as the cat rubbed against the legs of his highchair.

"Pretty kitty." Calypso agreed.

I meowed at them and Nathan giggled, asking me to do it again.

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