Chapter Ninety-Seven: Care Package

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A/N: *sound of a loud slap* So. Jeff forgot to remind me to put a warning for being potentially triggered on a few of the last chapters. I just bitch-slapped him for being stupid, here's a potential trigger warning: Mention of Homelessness, Starvation. Thank you.

[Fae's point of view]

"Get up, get up, get off me." Jeff muttered irritably and barely coherent at five in the morning as he prodded my head. I groaned and rolled off him and he sat up, rubbing his eyes as he tried to figure out where I put his glasses. I got off the futon and pulled a shirt and sweatshirt on, hunting my pants and shoes down. Jeff finally found his glasses and got off the futon to get himself ready, leaning on the crutch as he limped to the bathroom to take a quick shower before we got on the road. I got a quick breakfast ready for when we got out of Urban Heaven and put the futon in the back of the truck on the folded down seats so we wouldn't have to rent a hotel as the strange-looking demons we are.

I put all the bags in under the front seats with a little bit of magic and did a little diy to hang some curtains around the inside of the truck during the night.

Jeff limped out of the apartment and down the stairs with a little bit of help from Ani, his biological mom's double. He sat in the front seat of the truck and waited patiently for me to come back with breakfast and our electronics as he flipped through the book of discs I had in the front. Opium was in his lap when I got out there and Jeff smiled slightly as I settled into the front seat, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Ready to go, gorgeous?" I asked him as I passed him a piece of fry bread that I drizzled with butter and a little bit of the honey that Jeff liked.

"Yes sir." He replied as he bit into the baked good with a satisfied noise. I started the car and pulled out as Jeff waved goodbye to his parents. They waved back just before they were out of sight and Jeff settled back against the seat as he ate the bread.

We drove for fifteen minutes before we were finally at the pearly gates. Jeff got out, disguised as his father and asked if we could leave. They opened the gates and Jeff got back in the car, celebrating that his dumb plan actually worked. I sped up as we got to the stairs and screamed the whole way down as Jeff whooped with delight.

It was a very bumpy ride of pure adrenaline and at the bottom, I parked, panting as my heart beat way too fast. I thought I was having a heart attack. Jeff was panting too, but he had a crazy grin on his face and was laughing.

"Do you know where we are now?" I asked irritably after I got my heart rate back down.

"Yeah, I do. We're in Manhatten, New York, babyyy!" He cheered as he took a more human form and got out of the car. "Oh looooookkk! It's my old apartment!" He limped towards it on the crutch and I hurriedly put on something to cover my horns and ears so I could chase after him.

"Jeff, we don't know who lives here now, I wouldn't recommend-" I started. Jeff tried the knob and it came right open. He peered inside.

"Fae, it's been abandoned by the snooty public for years. It's literally exactly the same as when I was still alive but in worse condition. Come on." Jeff pointed out. "There hasn't been anyone but the respectful homeless and my dad here since I died." Jeff swung open the door and limped inside after getting a loaf of bread and some waters out of the car.

"Okay..." I followed him inside and was instantly met with the stares of several starving homeless children. "Oh god."

"Come here, children, I have food for you all." Jeff whispered invitingly to them. They all made their way forward on their hands and feet to get some bread and water from Jeff. All except one. I knelt down next to the one who didn't move and picked him up, holding him gently. He held my finger weakly and I almost sobbed out loud as I couldn't feel his pulse very strongly. He stared up at me through beautiful pure blue eyes with stars in them.

"Jeff...Jeff...can we afford to keep another child?" I asked softly.

"We could nurse him back to health and bring him back here, but I don't know how our kids would react to having a fully human mortal child in our home." Jeff said after looking at the child I was referring to.

"Can we help all of them?" I asked, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, I forgot how much you love children..." Jeff sighed heavily. "Fine. But only until we get to the well-kept orphanage in Louisiana."

"Yay." I said, blowing a kiss at Jeff.

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