Bonus Chapter #1

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A/N: So one of y'all decided to ask me and Jeff to write up Arackniss and Pentious's wedding, so we did. You're welcome. This wasn't according to plan here at the studio, but we vibed with it and Station Management even helped us write it.

'Arackniss's point of view'

I'm buzzing with so many emotions right now. Anthony and Molly are helping me with taming my hair to the best of their abilities and Anthony decided to give me a thin wing liner on my eyes. My two siblings are too good to me.

Alastor and Cherry were getting Pen ready. Anthony secured a single white rose on my lapel, humming along to his own rock music that he was listening to through his wireless earbud. Molly had the other and she was doing the same.

I found myself snickering as the twins bopped along, whisper-screaming here and there to the music. They stopped at what I guessed was the end of the song and Anthony passed me a pair of nice leather shoes that Rosie had a connection of hers do for me. I put them on, breathing heavily as I started into an anxiety attack about how the wedding was going to go.

"Ay. You're going to be okay. Remember, you're armed, you and Penny are both wearing bulletproof vests, and you have a very dangerous family. We're here to keep you and Pen safe." Anthony reassured me softly, his hand on my neck. Molly sat beside me, her arms resting on my back and shoulders and my knees.

Molly nodded in agreement with Anthony. I nodded, swallowed, and did my best to breathe as Molly coached me through a calming down technique that she had to learn when she started hanging around Anthony and Cherry all the time during all of Anthony's problems with Val.

"Are you okay now?" Molly asked softly after I let out a deep sigh and rested my forehead on my closed fists. I nodded slowly after a few seconds. I kept my fists closed even though I couldn't speak at the moment. I simply didn't know what to say to them.

I walked up to the front, wearing my light-colored dress clothes. Charlie stood at the front, bouncing lightly on her toes as she held a bible in her gloved hands.

"We're really lucky this isn't consecrated grounds, aren't we?" Alastor asked from where he stood on one side of Charlie. He smiled kindly as me as I agreed in sign. "It's alright, dear, you don't have to speak if you don't want to." Alastor winked lightly at me. "I could tell that Angel was on the verge of going voiceless at some points in our vows, so he signed as well as spoke. You remember."

I nodded, wheezing slightly instead of laughing.

"Here comes Pen." Cherry said softly from the other side of Charlie. We went silent and I rocked back on my heels, adjusting my sleeves. Pentious slithered up, his hair tied back in a white ribbon.

"You look stunning, Lucio." Pentious whispered, leaning into my ear.

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