Chapter Twenty-Six: *SLAP NOISE*

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I sat there, watching my mom hold Mercy and discuss with Molly about some memes that I had shown Mom, who did not understand what they were.

Alastor stormed into the apartment with Husk and Niffty behind him. I looked up at him and smiled.

He slapped me so hard, my mom looked up and gave him a proud look of admiration. I looked up at him, holding my cheek and wondering what the hell I did this time.

"You." Alastor said, low in his throat, sounding almost feral.

"Yes, me. What'd I do?" I asked.

"You did this, look what you've done." Alastor threatened, shoving something into my hand.

"A pregnancy test?" I asked, looking up at his angry face in worry.

"Learn to wear a goddamn condom next time, Anthony, we both know that I didn't want to get pregnant again so fast!" Alastor growled, his eyes starting to look staticky.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, Al, I didn' mean t' get ya pregnant..." I apologized, my face crumpling.

Al sighed, rubbing his forehead with frustration before taking a deep breath. I shrank back, expecting to be yelled at some more.

"It's fine, I'm fine, you're still a dumbass and as stupid as ever, and I'm still your husband. I don't hate you. I'm just irritated and well...pregnant." Alastor said, sitting down next to me and leaning against me.

"That slap was iconic." Mom said from across the room, nodding.

"Uh...thanks, I guess." Alastor said, raising his eyebrows.

"Mom, ya slap harder than that and we both know it." I said, confused.

"No, I don't. Alastor got a resounding slap noise when he made contact, but I only get short slap noises. I'm sorry that mine leave you bloody though. I should really get my nails trimmed..." Mom said, half to herself and half to me.

I decided to shut up as Mom handed Mercy to Husk. Husk sat down on the floor near Al's feet, holding Mercy in his lap.

"I see why Al and Angel are so intent on keeping you safe and happy, Mercy. You're so small..." Husk said, holding her little hands gently on his claws so she didn't hurt herself.

"Isn't Husk so sweet with our daughter? They're never that gentle with anyone, but Mercy seems to be an exception." Al said softly, watching the cat demon hold our baby.

"Husk likes her at least..." I said warily.

"I'm glad that they like her." Alastor said, smiling slightly as Husk put his hat on Mercy's head. "However, we have to hide her and me better than normal because tomorrow is Mass Extermination Day and the angels can smell both children and fetus." Alastor sighed, sinking into my side. "Happy fucking New Years, everyone."

My mom looked confused, so Husk explained: "Hell has an overpopulation problem, so God sends extermination angels down to kill off all demons that are unfortunate enough to be outside within the twenty-four hours, from right after midnight tonight to the stroke of midnight tomorrow night. That's when it happens." Husk explained, looking at her intensely.

"Of course, Vaggie and Jeff would be better at explaining it because they were angels. Vaggie was an extermination angel before she met Charlie and Jeff was a guardian angel before he fucked up badly." Niffty said, serving out some iced tea to us.

"Right." I agreed. "So, we might just have everyone we consida family here, but in the hotel's basement, so we can protect each other better 'cause holy fuck, if they kill anyone I swear to god, I'm gonna snipe everyone who dared mount that attack. No one, not a single soul, gets to attack my loved ones unless they wanna get destroyed." I growled.

"Normally we wouldn't have to protect me, because I'm an overlord of hell, but, you know...I've had one child and I'm pregnant with another and Mercy is so young..." Alastor said.

"You're a drama queen, Smiles, but I love that about you." I said, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"I will slap you again." Alastor said, looking at me through the corner of his eye as he fought back a smile.

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