Chapter Twenty-Seven: JEFF NO

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We went down to the basement to join our loved ones. In the basement were: my parents, Angel's mom and siblings, Cherry, Sir, Husk, Niffty, Charlie, Vaggie, Heather, Lyric, Lily, Lee, Harlow, Jeff, Sahara, and Rosie. Angel held Fat Nuggets and I held Mercy as Amaro followed my figure on the wall.

It was now midnight and Jeff had the stoniest of expressions on his face as he gripped his mace's handle and stood next to the door.

He had his hair tied back and he wasn't all primp and proper as normal, meaning he had the top several buttons of his black button-up undone and no reddish vest. A thorny halo floated above his head and his sky-blue wings seemed to glow.

Lee watched him, biting her lip, like she could tell that he was gonna do something stupid and get himself killed. I watched Heather, Harlow, and Lily try to persuade him not to go upstairs to face the extermination angels, but Jeff remained expressionless as he stood by the door, as if he couldn't hear them.

I put Mercy down in between her grandmothers and went to ask him what the hell he was planning on doing.

"Jeff, what are you doing?" I asked right into his long pointed ear, grabbing the other to get him to pay attention to me.

"They're here, Alastor. They sent guards to kill any of us that show or that they smell so we have to mask our scents. They're here specifically for the traitor angels which is Vaggie and I, you, Mercy, and Angel's mom, so all the people in really deep shit with heaven, which is only some of us for some reason." Jeff finally said after two minutes of me pulling on his ears and trying to get his attention.

"Oh. And what the hell are you planning? Answer my fucking question." I asked.

"I'm gonna fight them." Jeff said simply. "This is my holy weapon, so I could full-on kill them if I wanted to, but I'm also not as strong as an extermination angel." I looked down at the spiked ball at the end of the long handle that Jeff gripped in his gloved hands.

"Oh boy, this is not the best idea..." I sighed, rubbing my forehead.

"You can help if you want. Vaggie and I still have the ability to enchant weapons so they're holy weapons. Do you want to go out hunting, Alastor Aracane-Glass?" Jeff asked in a tone that sent chills up my spine.

I knew that my pupils must be super dilated to the point where they hardly showed in my eyes, so there was no way for me to hide that, yes, I wanted to go hunting.

I found myself taking the hunting rifle off my back and handing it to him, saying that there was dinner waiting out there for me to eat once I shot it.

Jeff enchanted it and light blue marks appeared on my rifle.

"Ready to kill something?" Jeff asked, climbing up into the vents with the mace strapped to his back, right in between his wings.

"You bet." I replied, following him.

We crawled through the vents until we found a vent cover above the angels. Jeff pulled it out, setting it aside before throwing himself at one of the four angels underneath us.

I fired at the angels, killing three and leaving the last one for Jeff.

Jeff was doing some impressive shadow manipulation, disappearing and reappearing in different places around the one angel, landing blows here and there. The final blow was the most embarrassing one: Jeff swung the mace, the spiked metal hitting instrument, directly at the remaining angel's crotch with full force, tearing down with it to draw the heavenly blood.

With all the extermination angels that were guarding gone and Jeff coated in the blood of his breed, I climbed out of the vent and dropped gracefully to the floor. I noticed the crazed look in Jeff's eyes when I landed.

"Oh no, not this, no...Jeff, we don't need you to do a full murder spree...stop it." I sighed, dragging him back to the basement by the horn.

"There are more extermination angels coming, Alastor! Let me kill them!" Jeff screamed, causing me to clap a hand over his mouth as I dragged him into the basement.

"Hey guys, Jeff is in a murderous mood right now and the Angels outside are now dead. Can you make sure he stays in the basement?" I asked Mom and Dad. Dad shrugged before holding out his arms to grab Jeff. I watched Jeff struggle against my dad's strong grip and sheer fucking will, happy when he couldn't move enough to teleport.

"Jeff no." Mom said, slapping him lightly.

"Jeff yes!!" Jeff laughed hysterically as tears started down his smiling face. "This is my chance to prove to God and heaven that they made a terrible mistake when they terminated my job as an angel! Let me go!!"

"He has lost all of his marbles. Holy shit." Angel said, standing right next to me.

"Yeah... I see that..." I agreed sleepily, leaning against Angel.

"Normally, Jeff wouldn't care, but I have a feeling that he's drunk off his ass." Husk remarked, adjusting their hat on the small bun that was on the top center of their head because they were growing out some of the hair on their head.

"I see your point. I've never seen him drunk before, so that might be it." I commented.

"Some of my vodka was missing from the cabinet before midnight... He was holding a glass bottle when I came down here with the meals we're eating today. Vodka is stored in glass bottles. Coincidence, I think not." Husk grumbled, fixing Jeff with a death glare. "He's drunk."

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