Chapter Thirty-Seven: *angry staring*

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/Jeff's point of view\


Valentino tied me and Fae together on the ground of a filthy closet and threw Angel onto the bed after restricting his movements and sounds. The closet slammed shut, leaving Fae and I in complete darkness.

I could still see because my eyes, freckles, wings, and halo glow, but I could tell that Fae didn't have the same luck and was scared of the dark. I struggled until I had grabbed his hand and held in the most comforting way possible as I bent my ruined neck down far enough that I could bite at the rope.

I managed to get the rope off, snapping my neck back in place, and I held his hand tight as I turned around to face him on the floor of the dirty closet.

"Your freckles are beautiful like this. They look like the night sky." Fae mumbled, tracing a finger over my cheeks. I smiled. "Your eyes look so odd when they're glowing though, not that I mind. You have the most beautiful shade of blue in your left eye." Fae whispered, kissing me on the cheek after removing my glasses. I couldn't see him very well any more, yet I didn't care. I didn't need to see to know my surroundings.

"Thank you, darling. I, however, can't see with my glasses off, so I can't complement you back based on how you look now." I sighed, pulling Fae in between my legs as I traced the back of his hand and started to list off the traits he had that I loved from memory. "Your eyes are the most beautiful, unique shade of grey I've seen..."

Fae had soon enough fallen asleep in my arms and I held him gently, cocooning both of us in my wings before looking for my glasses.

They were tucked in Fae's breast pocket of the white lab coat he wore to work. I put them on after making a slightly triumphant noise.

I looked at the door before scooting closer to it to mess with the doorknob.

"Dammit." I mumbled. "It's locked. Guess we'll just have to wait." I scooted away from the door so we were where the rope had fallen and stayed wide awake as best as I could with Fae's calming aura surrounding me.


The door swung wide open and Valentino threw Angel into the closet before grabbing me. Fae woke up to find that I was being dragged out as the door slammed, reaching out for me. I reached back as the door closed.

Val threw me down on the bed before restricting my movement and duct taping my mouth closed.

From there he started to strip me down and was taken with surprise when he saw my chest surgery scars.

"Two holes, huh, girly. Twice the fun!" Val patted my cheek as I felt dysphoria wash over me. Tears appeared in my eyes as he took off my shoes, socks, pants, and underwear. Val was practically humming with excitement as he got ready to rape and abuse me.

I protested strongly the whole time, managing to unhinge my jaw enough to get the duct tape off to scream for help and cuss at Valentino.

"I HATE YOU, I DON' WANT YOU T' DO THIS T' ME, YA RETARDED ASSHOLE, DO YA NOT KNOW WHAT TH' WORD NO MEANS!?!? IT MEANS I DON'WANNA." I screamed as he started the thrust into me, tears pouring down my cheeks.

I realized that Fae was screaming inside the closet with Angel. Both of them had realized that I hadn't had sex in my entire existence and knew that Val would ruin my entire experience.

"Such a pretty little girl, oh..." Val crooned as he abused me. My entire body went stiff as a board, making what he was doing so much harder for him. He pulled out, confused.

I went fully possessed, tentacles stretching out of my back between my wings, my right eye's x casting an x above my face, my left eye becoming many blue eyes, none of which had scleras or pupils, my horns growing in size, and my halo becoming bigger. My smile unhinged and blood poured from my many eyes and mouth.

I had had enough.

Val looked surprised as I yanked my foot out of the tight stirrup he had put it in, kicking him right in the balls before freeing the rest of my limbs and summoning my mace.

I beat him up, standing on top of him as I did so before finding chains he used on Angel and binding him up using them. I put my boxer shorts back on before opening the closet to free Angel and Fae with a sigh. My red x started to shrink as I calmed down and the flow of blood stopped, leaving the streaks of red on my face.

"Oh my god, Jeff, are you okay, honey?" Fae said, trying not to cry as I pulled my soft boyfriend into a hug and held his hair gently, rocking us back and forth. My tentacles retreated back into my skin and my smile began to close. My many extra blue eyes closed and my thorny black halo rested on my head like the regal crown it once was before the fall. My horns shrank.

"I'm okay, I'm okay. He didn't manage to cum in me at all before I destroyed him. Lucky me." I whispered, trying to calm him down. "Go get Vox, okay, Angel and I are gonna go get cleaned up in the pair of showers in the bathroom downstairs. Got it?" I asked, bending down to eye-level with my boyfriend because I happen to be 5 inches taller minus the horns. Fae nodded and raced off on his little hooves. I summoned Angel's phone and handed it to him.

Angel looked impressed that I had managed to get the full possessed effect going for me when I was tied down when I told him about it in the locker room while we were showering.

"Mainly I wanted to keep Fae out of that bed with Valentino and I wanted the sex offender to stop." I shrugged as I toweled down my body and put my pants on before using Angel's hair dryer that he had left in his locker to dry my hair.

"That's valid. I normally can't get possessed when I'm tied down, so I wish I could've done that, but I couldn't." Angel sighed as he combed his chest fluff and his hair before brushing out the fur on his lower legs. I looked at his two round, hot pink toes and automatically had a cuteness overload.

"Your feet are adorable." I shyly complemented him. He shook his head.

"No, they really aren't." Angel sighed, putting on his thigh-high socks as he received a text. "Oh, hey! It's Stolas!"

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