Chapter Nine: Seeing the Baby

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Angel shook my arm to wake me up. I irritably refused to open my eyes, pushing him away a little bit.

"Five more minutes..." I grumbled.

"C'mon, Strawberry, don't you wanna see the baby? We have technology capable of that now." Angel persistently said, poking and prodding me until I sat up slowly and got out of bed to slowly wander into the bathroom to pee. I'd stopped having daily morning sickness and today was one of the mornings I didn't have it, luckily.

If you looked at me now, you could tell I was pregnant because I was showing quite a bit more than before because here in hell, pregnancies don't show unless you're stabilized or fucking lucky. I'm apparently a little bit of both because of how much my bump has grown in the past three weeks.

"I don't really care about technology, Angel, in fact, I hate it." I muttered. "And if they touch my stomach the wrong way, I will kill them."

"I know, but I want to see our baby..." Angel whined.

I fixed him with a look of stern disapproval before sighing. "Fine. We'll go."

Angel cheered happily, picking me up and twirling. I sighed, trying not to flash him my genuine smile because I hate technology, but if we got to see the baby, I would tolerate the technology and the touching.

I put on a corset loosely around the bottom of my bump (because it's what I'm using as support for my back), pulling on a button-up shirt and a sweater with a pair of leggings and my boots.

"I can't wait!!" Angel said, struggling to keep his voice from cracking like crazy. I snickered at him because he's a grown man with insane voice cracks.

"I can, but you won't leave me alone." I stated, brushing my hair out. Angel laughed softly at me, putting on a pair of heels with his longer skirt and plain pink blouse.

"Oh, you know you wanna see the baby. Don't try to act like you don't." Angel said, looking me in the eyes lovingly. I pouted a little, trying to hide my "cute" smile from him.


We got to the studio where Angel poked his head in, checking to see if the coast was clear of Valentino before he ushered me in and led me up the stairs to the doctors office. The doctor opened the door and invited us in, saying that Angel said he would show up randomly with me to do a check up every now and then.

I noted that he was wearing a chastity belt (basically to keep it in his pants) over his bits and no pants over his shaggy hindquarters with a white coat.

The doctor gave me a quick rundown of the check up for the baby and I before going right into it with checking my ears, eyes, nose, and throat (and, as you probably can imagine, I was so incredibly uncomfortable the whole time) before moving on to checking my "blood pressure" and heart.

He told me to take my clothes off of at least my stomach and I angrily took my corset off, flinging it at Angel, who caught it without missing a beat.

Then came the lubricant and wand for the "ultrasound". Oh, how I hate the texture of lubricant. It's awful and so very slimy.

I kinda laid there, obviously irritated as the doctor lubed up my stomach and put a cold metal thing on it. He rubbed the wand around on my bare skin a little bit before turning on a television in the corner to show a screen that said my name, date of birth, date of death, gender, length of pregnancy thus far, and other information about me.

Then the screen showed an odd shape that resembled a sleeve that hadn't been stitched together yet and inside of it was a little shape.

It was humanoid, with a head, body, legs, and arms-four arms to be exact. And you could see a pair of ears like mine growing out of the top of its head and a short tail like mine growing out of its lower back.

"Do you see that, Al, that's our baby." Angel said, gripping my hand.

That simple sentence left an impression on me. I started to cry, laughing softly in relief and happiness. Angel was crying right along next to me, grinning and holding my hand as he kissed me all over my face.

"There's my baby, our baby. I love them already." I sniffled as I giggled.

"I'm so proud of you, Strawberry." Angel said, giving my hand a squeeze before addressing the doctor. "'Ey, doc, can we hear a heartbeat?"

"Sure." The doctor said with a slight smile, flipping a switch. Little thumping noises emerged from speakers next to the computer and I was overwhelmed with happiness and the purest form of joy there was: the joy of a parent who's blessed with a healthy child. 

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