Chapter Fifty-Six: Lazy Duets

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

I watched as Alastor moved his feet back and forth on the surface of the bed, making soft huffing noises that indicated frustration. I was sitting next to him in bed and he was having a hell of a time trying not to yeet himself out of bed and wander around for a long time.

"Alastor, you only have two more weeks to endure this. Calm down, I've seen you sit still for many days on end without moving, so this shouldn't be that hard." I muttered, putting a hand in between his antlers and scratching a little.

"That was my idea, this is not. I have been commanded to stay on this bed for two more weeks after today and I'm probably going to run long and hard after the triplets are born." Alastor grumbled as he picked up a yoyo and started to swing it around his thin claws, doing tricks that he'd taught himself last week.

"I know, honey, I'm sorry." I mumbled, kissing him on the jaw where his ear would be if he were still human. "Wanna just cuddle and sing?" I asked, patting my lap for him to lay across on his side.

He settled across my lap and waited for me to start singing. I wracked my mind for a sweet song before deciding on I Do Adore.

"Everything you do, it sends me higher than the moon, with every twinkle in your eye, you strike a match that lights my heart on fire. When you're near, I hide my blushing face and trip on my shoelaces, grace just isn't my forte but I can't resist it when you say~ hello~how are you~my darling~today? I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore, when every little thing you do I do adore~" I sang. Alastor decided to hush me and sang the second verse.

"We're as different as can be, I've noticed you're remarkably relaxed and I'm overly uptight, we balance out each other nicely. You wear sandals in the snow, in mid-July I still feel cold, we're opposites in every way, but I can't resist it when you say~hello~how are you~my darling~today? I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore, when every little thing you do I do adore~" Alastor sang softly.

"Finding words, I mutter, tongue-tied, twisted, foot in mouth, I start to stutter, haha, heaven help me..." I sighed.

"Hello, how are you, my darling, today~" Alastor hummed.

"I fall into a pile on the floor, puppy love is hard to ignore, when every little thing you do I do adore. Every little thing, ba ba ba ba, every little thing, ba ba ba ba, every little thing you do I do adore~"I finished. "Your turn to pick a song."

"Hmmmm..." Alastor contemplated. "Dear Happy will do. You have the higher vocals that Dodie sings."

"Okay." I said before looking up the lyrics on my phone. "I missed you dearly, thought I was nearly there forever, at last together. Is our time fleeting? Is even meeting a healthy idea, or am I getting too near?" I sang slowly.

"Don't try to fight it, I'm here for the night and I'll be waiting for you until we meet again~

I know it's scary but don't be wary.

If we don't have that long, let's not waste it feeling wrong. This isn't the end, I'm your lifelong friend.

Sure it's been a while but I'll be here when you smile." Alastor's eyes closed as he took the lower vocals for the song.

"So don't try to fight it, you're here for tonight, and I'll be waiting for you until we meet again. Would you mind staying?" I inquired.

"It's getting late, but I will visit you soon, so just try to get through~ And don't try to fight it, I'm here for tonight and I'll be waiting for you until we meet again~" Alastor sang.

"I'll be waiting for you, until we meet again~" I echoed. "That was a pretty song, Al, what was it about?"

"Depression. It's specifically about the occasional happiness in between bouts of depression that leaves and come back often." Alastor replied.

"Oh, that's right, both of us suffered from depression when we were alive." I said knowingly. "I also think I coped with it a little bit better by sleeping because you killed things after you started feeling sad and you often just...stabbed yourself with sewing needles just to feel something. That was a bad habit." I muttered as I stroked his hair out of his face.

"Indeed it was." Alastor agreed, rubbing the pads of his fingers a little where they had pale scars. "I became more intent on smiling when I was unhappy, that's why my face is practically stuck in a smile." Alastor chuckled. I messed with his cheeks a little bit because they were pretty soft and slightly round, even when he wasn't smiling on purpose.

"You're never fully dressed without a smile, I suppose." I let out a laugh and kissed him on the x mark on his forehead.

"Right." Alastor agreed. Mercy hopped up on the bed a few seconds later, looking almost fully like a human.

"Mercy, how do you know what a human looks like?" I asked softly.

"I was looking at pictures of you and Dad, Pops. I was having trouble with ears though." Mercy mumbled, gesturing to the deer ears that still stood atop her head.

I turned into a human and showed her how my ears look as a human. She nodded as her mouth went O-shaped and her ears disappeared, reappearing as human ears on the sides of her head.

"That is going to haunt me for a while." Al muttered before addressing our firstborn. "My dear, did you try to take both of our aspects into how you look now?" Al asked, noticing that she was in mostly black and white.

"Yeah, but the pictures were in black and white." Mercy pouted. "You guys are old."

"Ouch, ooh~ be nice, kiddo, we only died in our thirties and forties." I said, acting like what she said was the end of the world to me.

Alastor snickered at me before altering his appearance to how he actually looked like as a human and I did the same.

Al had light brown skin that was coated in freckles and wavy dark brown hair. His eyes were honey brown and his nose was slightly rounder and flatter than before.

I had bleach blonde hair with dark brown roots and my good eye was teal, while the other was closed because of a gun-related injury. My nose was now more prominent and my skin was as pale as ever, with the heavy black makeup I always wore.

"Wow, okay. Thanks, Pops and Dad." Mercy said, color seeping into her skin and hair and eyes.

"I don't know if I'll ever get used to seeing Mercy as a human." I mumbled. Alastor agreed as he examined his light brown hands and picked at his finger nails. "I think you're pretty like this though." I announced.

"Thank you, darling, I think you're pretty like that as well."

Management said to put links to the songs they sang in here, so here they are:

Alastor's Fading Static Hatred (Radiodust mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now