Chapter Ninety-Two: Here

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

"Who?" As soon as that word left my lips, Alastor looked at me with the most furious look and he threw himself off the couch, throwing on his red pinstriped jacket and summoning his microphone. I felt dumb and I moved the kids into the renovated basement area, worry twisted into my brow as I asked what was going on.

"Daniel. Daniel is what's going on. His other half is waging war against me because of our nasty breakup over the fact that he wasn't safe around me." Alastor snapped at me as he got together all his charms and did a quick reinforcement and extra power boost on his microphone staff. All his energy would be flowing through that staff. He threw together a few little energy, health, and strength potions in old tabasco sauce bottles that he saved from the kitchen recycling bin. He put another charm on his jacket before putting the little bottles into a pocket that had been enchanted years ago when he didn't want to be seen carrying a diaper bag.

I had never seen that many emotions in that man's eyes before, but they were intense to say the least.









He stopped in front of me and planted a kiss on my lips, knowing that there was a chance he could die. I wrapped my arms around him gently, indulging myself in tasting those perfect lips of his.

He was bitter and spicy-tasting, like cinnamon and dark chocolate with a hint of tabasco and coffee.

He pulled away, still holding onto me for dear life as his hands shook.

"I love you, Anthony." He said, dead serious as he stared me in the eye.

"I love you too, Smiles." I told him kissing him on the nose. I pushed his bangs out of his face and adjusted how his monocle sat on his cheek.

He opened the front door and slipped out.

Alastor's Fading Static Hatred (Radiodust mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now