Chapter Eighty-One: Jeff's History

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•Mercy's point of view•

I made Calypso a cup of the tea Aziraphale sent me home with the book. Calypso sipped it slowly, making a face at how bitter it was before putting two sugars in it and stirring as she opened the biography of her foster papa.

"Oh, it's certainly a bit damaged." I mumbled as I peeked at the first page, which had rips in it and multiple stains of different types.

"Yeah. Papa has a big story, which he won't tell me because it's a bit dark and long." Calypso said, pointing at the bloodstains on all the pages of the thick old tome of a book.

I leaned against Calypso and we read the pages of Jeff's life.

His creation in the heavenly forge was before the Earth itself was created, where he was Christened as Jessica by God herself, who had little to do with the actual creation.

His first assignment was to the Eldest child of the Pharaoh, now called Amun-her-khepeshef, during the time Moses was fighting for the freedom of the Hebrews. The death of the little prince he was assigned to was in the thirteenth century BC.

When he started to present as masculine was in twelfth century BC, but he was still called by the name of Jessica.

He was assigned to a young gypsy by the name of Esmerelda who was more of a hands on job, causing him to have to come down in the form of a stubborn old woman who took care of the gypsy.

He had an assignment to Hercules Mulligan, a difficult man who sewed a lot, but was also a war machine. He worked alongside him as a close friend, not as one of the well-known ones from the revolution, but as a fellow tailor.

He later had an assignment to Alexei of Russia, the brother of Anastasia, who bruised easily and had a lot of internal bleeding whenever he was supposed to simply bruise like a regular person, and Jeff had to be a literal guard to the child until he died in 1918.

And finally, he had his assignment to my dad. Dad was twenty when Jeff was assigned to him in 1918. Jeff had trouble appearing as anything other than a female angel around Dad because Dad's third eye has always been blown wide open and he could see straight through the cheap facades Jeff pulled. He had to live with Dad to prevent Dad from hurting himself as often as it nearly happened.

He fell after Dad died in 1933.

He lived out most of his short human life as a girl in a semi-abusive household where the mom was constantly screaming at him for existing as a gender queer person and the dad was just trying to hide his bisexuality from the mom.

He moved out and presented as masculine as he could in 1949, getting himself a sweet girlfriend by the name of Elena.

They broke up just a week before Jeff was murdered by his own earthly mother.

Jeff thought he went on vacation when he was murdered and he came back to his home to find his earthly mother digging though his things and destroying them. He turned into a demon there and got to kill his mom with what is now known as his holy weapon. He said goodbye to his father and went to hell by himself like a fucking badass after clubbing the grim reaper in the face.

The rest of the story I already knew, but I could see why Jeff straight up refused to tell his story to Calypso. It was heavy and depressing.

"That was deep, oh my god." I muttered, rubbing my eyes a little bit. Calypso agreed quietly before flipping to the last page with writing on it.

"Oh god, it's updating itself based on what Jeff has done. It has my name." Calypso mumbled, absolutely awestruck.

"What." I asked the air itself as I peeked at the page where writing was starting to appear.

Jeff had scheduled his and Fae's wedding for a month from now and they planned to try to legally adopt Calypso.

Calypso gasped sharply before coughing and trying to cheer at the same time.

"I'm getting adopted!!" Calypso exclaimed. I nodded.

"Yes, but let's not tempt the fates. I think we should leave the book alone in case we fuck up the future because of this." I warned with concern. Calypso agreed reluctantly before handing me the book and telling me to take it back to A.Z.Fell's Books and bring back a storybook about dwarves and fairies.

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