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Angel answered the phone leisurely with a nice "hello, Fae, how's your date with Jeff going?" before his face's color dropped about twenty degrees and a panicked expression appeared on his paled face.

"Jeff WHAT?! Oh no no no, that is not good tea honey. Which hospital are ya at or going to?" Angel asked. I bit my lip as I held Mercy closer for comfort. Angel noticed and put the phone on speaker for me, telling Fae to tell the whole story from the beginning.

Fae explained how Jeff seemed fine and relaxed and happy when he got picked up and how they fended off a flirtatious waitress at the Wok's Passion and how they took a lot of pictures together because of how much fun they were having with the filters on his phone.

And then...Fae described seeing Jeff clutch at his chest and whine in pain as he insisted that he was fine.

How Jeff had fainted right in that parking lot as they were going back to the car.

How he had his instincts take over as he laid Jeff in the backseat of the Convertible and cut his binder off before calling the hospital to pick them up.

How he frantically told them that he wasn't breathing correctly and that his heart was much slower than a normal heartbeat as he cried and slapped Jeff back and forth across his face to try not to strangle him himself for being so careless.

How Jeff's chest was so bruised and how some blood seeped from where the binder ended on his ribs.

How the ambulance flew down the road like a fucking miracle as he flagged it down after he started to speak to Angel on the phone.

How he was now sitting in the back of the ambulance, clutching Jeff's hand in the dark backseat as they try to keep him in a slightly stable condition on their way to the nearest hospital, which was Pentagram Heathcare Clinic.

How he was drawing sigils on his hands, Jeff's black stained hands, and all over a page in his notebook.

Fae's voice was so shaky as he described it all and I could tell he was still crying. It sent a chill down my spine that he was so emotional about someone he had just met only hours before and I felt something wet run down my cheek.

"Give me the goddamn phone, Anthony. I have to comfort someone." I said, reaching for it as Angel held it away. Angel reluctantly did so as I started to buzz and static again. "Thank you, Angel."

"I-I'm just so scared, I-I was j-just informed that I would be the one caring for Jeff and I've never cared for someone I loved before..." Fae whimpered. Then he made a noise of surprise. "Jeff...?" He inquired faintly. I heard a soft "I love you too, dahlin'" from the other end. And a sigh. "Jeff just woke up briefly and he was only half awake, but now he's back to sleep in his mostly unstable state. What am I gonna do about this idiot..."

"Jeff seems to trust you, my dear. That's the highest level of trust I've been on and I'm his best friend. You're going to do just fine when you're cleaning him up and making sure he's in tip-top shape and ready to perform again. You are a talented doctor who managed to help us deliver Mercy into the world through natural birth. Go show the world that you're not scared to death by a simple wound clean-up and rehabilitation cycle, you can do this. Mercy, Angel, and I are all rooting for you." I reassured him in my calmest voice as tears were rolling down my cheeks. "You are strong enough. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Fae sniffled. "Thanks, Alastor. Platonic kisses to you and your family. Blessed be!"

"We accept the platonic kisses and send back Mercy hugs. Bye, sweetheart." I said before hanging up. I looked directly at Angel. "We're. Going. To. That. Fuckin'. Hospital." I growled. Angel hopped off the bed and got dressed as quickly as possible and I put on proper clothes before picking Mercy back up and walking downstairs.

Alastor's Fading Static Hatred (Radiodust mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now