Chapter Fifty-Three: Dumbass Cuddle Mode with My Man :)

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/Jeff's point of view\

Fae sighed as he got home and dropped his bag by the door and kicked off the awkward shoes he often found himself wearing during the rainy season. I watched him take off his sweater and pants to reveal his heavily tattooed chubby arms and the snake tattoo on his collarbone and his shaggy hindquarters(very much like a satyr in appearance on his part). He looked very emotionally drained and exhausted, but dear reader, he still looked perfect.

Jeff, Management is coming down the hall now. Stop talking to the readers.

"Hey, honey." I crooned, putting my laptop aside. Fae collapsed onto the couch next to me and wrapped his colorful arms around me with a soft sigh. "Tough day at work today, huh?" I asked softly as I scratched behind his ears and on his scalp.

"You know it, Star." Fae sighed, using my middle name as a nickname. I hummed as he laid across my lap and I rubbed his back slowly. He made a soft humming noise from deep in his chest that made his whole chest shake.

"You don't really want much, do you? You just want the cuddles~" I cooed at my fiancé teasingly.

"You are absolutely right, I do only want cuddles, but only from you right now." Fae said, wrapping his arms around me again.

"I'm flattered." I chuckled warmly. "Are you using this opportunity to press against my belly because there is a baby?" I asked teasingly. "I'm not really showing that much and the baby is hardly developed. What's the point?"

"I just love you, Jeff, you are such a useless person when it comes to understanding feelings and I think that's adorable, but that's because I'm attracted to educated artists who live on coffee and cigarettes and are very emotionally stupid." Fae teased, poking my nose. "I love you, you idiot."

"And I'm attracted to soft, chubby doctor tops with anxiety who are emotionally attached to plants and do makeup, so mleh." I scrunched my nose at him, sticking my tongue out. "I love you too, FairyBoy."

"Fair enough." Fae laughed hysterically at my retort, tears in his eyes. My phone rang.

Fae went and got it, tossing it at me. I answered, slightly angry that it interrupted my cuddles with my man.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, is this Jefferson Click-Thompson?" Asked a deep voice.

"This is him." I replied.

"Um, your fiancé, Fae just got hit by a car and he's now in the hospital." They said, sounding concerned.

"No, he's right here, he's been cuddling with me for the past ten minutes and he isn't astral projecting." I protested.

"Then who is this black haired, tanned satyr with curled rams' horns on the sides of his head, because he looks exactly like Fae." They argued.

"Do you want me to drag Fae there to prove you wrong? He's literally your coworker if you are a nurse or doctor at the hospital, have a little bit more faith in him." I grumbled.

"Sure, come on over and prove your goddamn point, I'll meet you in the lobby." They hung up and I angrily put my phone down on the coffee table.

"Fae, put a jacket on, you don't even need to bother with pants or shoes, we are just going to do a quick run to the hospital." I said, putting my clogs on and grabbing an umbrella.

"Okay then..." Fae said, sounding concerned as he pulled his sweater and jacket back on. I climbed into the front seat and started the car as he hopped up into the front passenger seat. I parked under the overhang, right in front of the front door and we got out, heading inside.

A nurse with a really deep voice apologized as soon as she saw Fae and offered to show us Fae's doppelgänger that did get hit by a car.

"Yeah, let's see who you mistook for your coworker." I said sassily, folding my arms. She led us off to a room that was bustling with activity as they set up the patient.

The bed came into view and Fae stopped, his jaw dropped and his grey eyes wide. The patient mirrored his expression. I looked back and forth between Fae and the person on the bed, realizing what was going on.

"Fae...?" The patient asked. "It's been forever..."

"It has, hasn't it, Shane." Fae agreed, almost disbelievingly as he moved to the bed and hesitantly hugged his twin.

Shane hugged back tightly and the pair instantly started to converse in Vietnamese.

I could hear the worried, disappointed tone in Fae's voice as he shook a finger at Shane and I knew he was scolding Shane for getting hit by a car after going missing for so long, even without knowing a single word in Vietnamese.

"Fae, I think he gets the point that he shouldn't have gone missing and then got hit by a car, if that is indeed what you were yelling at him about." I called as Shane started to weakly protest.

"Okay. Sorry, Jeff." Fae said before hugging onto me awkwardly.

"It's nice to meet you, Shane. I'm Jeff, Fae's significant other." I said, holding out a hand for Shane to shake. Shane took my hand and pulled me into a hug and Fae managed to get trapped between Shane and I.

"Nice to see someone taking care of my dumbass younger twin brother." Shane laughed warmly.

"He's still broke as fuck, but we're working on it and we live with my friends on an estate like twenty minutes away." I laughed as Fae awkwardly tried to escape the group hug.

"Ooh, fancy." Shane said with a smile.

"Hell yeah." I agreed.

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