Chapter Seventy-Two: Casual Talk

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Alastor walked up the stairs into our bedroom, taking his hair out of a ponytail as he hummed absently. His shadow crept along the wall, its smile right where it belonged and in the color red.

"Good evening, dear." Alastor said, taking off the heels and turning his hair back to normal.

"Hey, babe." I replied with a smile. Alastor had his shadow unzip the bloodstained dress and he slipped it off, and took the bra and fake boobs off, putting them on the bed. He then grabbed a pair of his underwear and retreated into the bathroom to untuck his dick.

I can't really blame him, it is uncomfortable and sometimes painful and you can't pee the entire time, even if you do go to the bathroom while tucking.

While he was in there I grumbled about how he ruined a perfectly good dress that costed me a lot of moolah when I first bought it.

Alastor opened the door after he was done untucking and putting his own underwear on. I went inside the bathroom and wrapped my arms around his thin waist, resting my head on his as he washed his hands and face with a washcloth to get the blood off.

"I have to move our 'guest' to a warmer room so he doesn't freeze in the basement. I plan on cutting him up to make jambalaya later this week." Alastor explained, holding my arms gently.

"Sounds delicious, babydoll." I hummed as I buried my face in his shoulder. Jackson crawled into our room on the ceiling, making soft static noises as he tried to get our attention.

"Oh dear." Alastor said as we watched our four month old youngest son skitter across the ceiling before loosing his grip on the ceiling. I dove to catch the little boy, but he teleported in midair right into Al's arms. I laid there on the floor for a minute before rolling over. Alastor stared down at me with concern and amusement from the bathroom doorway.

"That's gonna be fun." I grumbled, sitting up. "This is the literal fusion between you and I, Alastor, I think there's gonna be a plethora of odd powers from both of us and it's gonna be exciting."

"You're either being dead serious or you're being so sarcastic that I can't tell if you're kidding." Alastor teased as he put Jackson down on the bed and pulled his pants on.

"I'm being serious, Al." I said, standing back up and picking Jackson up to stare at him. Jackson started chewing on his fist as he stared back at me. I kissed the little monster and hugged him after a few moments.

"Too fuckin' cute to be mad at." I mumbled as Alastor put on his black button-up shirt, causing my husband to laugh.

"I suppose the small snowball is adorable." Alastor agreed, referring to the curly white hair that grew out of Jackson's head.

"He's not as cute as you though." I flirted shyly with my husband.

"Don't make me rethink my decision not to neuter you last year." Alastor said, pulling on his throat-stomping black heels and pulling off Arackniss's casual look better than Nissy himself does.

"You could always fuck me instead of letting me bend ya over to fuck you." I suggested, sitting on the bed with Jackson hugged onto my fluff.

"No, dear, we aren't having sex until I either get rid of the uterus that has developed itself in my body over the first pregnancy or you get neutered." Alastor said before walking out the door confidently like the stereotypical gay man in his heels.

"Fine then."

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