Chapter Ninety: Hell to Magic Earth

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[Fae's point of view]

Cal and Nathan hugged me goodbye and Rat nodded, resting a hand on either kid's shoulder. I left and got in the front seat of Jeff's truck, rotating the key in the ignition. I realized that Opium was in the front passenger when I put my bag on the seat, so I yote him into the backseat, making my way to the highway, which is well known in your world as the "Highway to Hell", but it actually goes both ways.

Fae, put the fourth wall back.

I sped up before I reached Magical Earth, breaking through the portal to it as I hit the ramp. I flew out onto a crowded street, screaming as I did.

Luckily for me and the crowd, we were all magic and I wished myself over to an empty street and they all helped in that matter. I stumbled out of the truck, losing my shoe, and looked around, taking in my colorful surroundings. It was a bit of a shock to me that red was not the default for all things like it was in Hell.

"Are you quite alright, Fae?" Asked Hera cautiously as her companion helped me up. I nodded slowly, picking up my shoe that came off.

"Hello, Hera. I wasn't expecting to see you today." I greeted her with a smile.

"Hello. This is my new partner, Kat. Zeus and I got a divorce and I have never felt better." Hera told me, bouncing slightly on her feet. Kat shook my hand and smiled.

"Yeah, mate, Zeus and Thor are havin' a grand ol' time up in th' mountains of Human Earth with their ol' huntin' mates." Kat said in a thick Australian accent.

"I bet they are. Such difficult men to deal with. Zeus was a story when he tried to get me to stop having Hera as a patron. He was using his own made-up logic to get me to stop talking to her." I chuckled. "Speaking of difficult men, I have to find my dumbass of a man in Heaven and take him home before something bad happens to him again."

"Well, it's nightfall, do you want to crash with us at our place?" Kat asked, scanning the sky with their dark eyes.

"Yes please." I said, watching their artificial sun sink over the horizon. Kat and Hera led me to their cottage, the truck levitating behind us as Hera did her godly thing.

I looked around their lovely garden enviously, peeking at the little fly people who the regular humans thought were fairies. Hera picked a few vegetables and brought them inside for Kat to turn into dinner. I joined them inside the cozy cottage home, settling at the table with my notebook out. Calypso would love it if I came back with more observations for her journal.

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