Chapter Forty-Four: The Motherfucking Tea

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~Angel Dust's point of view~

Alastor had been spending so much time near the incubator with little Louisa that it made Jeff and I very concerned. When Fae told us that it was okay to take Louisa out of the incubator permanently about a week after she was born, Al practically lit up with joy.

I could understand why because he had been so anxious and he often was found stitching away at a sewing project. I didn't know what he was making, but it looked like a tube to me.

I had gotten a job at the IMP Group and I got to kill things for a job, just like when I was in the mafia. It was a familiar thing to me and I felt comfortable with it, so I happily worked extra hours to raise money for a new house.

As soon as I arrived on my first day, calls started pouring in for murder requests, startling the werewolf at the front desk. Loona frantically tried to answer all of them at once and I took it upon myself to take some of the phones as Moxxie came running up to take notes for the kills they needed to do.

"It's not normally this busy, how the hell did this happen?" Blitzø asked, his eyes wide as he started helping.

"Maybe it's Angel. He does have some fame in the media. Maybe he'll be good for our paycheck..." Moxxie mumbled as he wrote down what I told him.

"Perhaps." I agreed with a chuckle.

A few months later, after a long day of killing people, I pushed open the door to find Al laying on the couch with a book on his face. Both kids were doing things on the wall, Louisa literally sitting sideways on the wall as Mercy laid on the floor with her butt against the wall. Louisa was only half visible, her feet and her arms invisible, so it looked like a normal baby but with floating hands.

Next to Al on the couch was Jeff, Fae, and Lily. Across their laps was an extremely long furby with no fluff in it and not completely stitched up, so I could see its spine.


"We don't even know anymore..." All of them sighed in unison as Mercy tossed a block at Louisa and it stuck to her little sister's skin.

"Louisa. Can I have the block back?" Mercy asked. Louisa pulled the block off her skin and dropped it onto Mercy's tummy. Then both girls laughed.

"Mercy can talk?" I asked slowly.

"Yes, dear, she can talk." Alastor replied, taking the book off his face.

"Wow. When did she start talking?" I asked.

"Today is when I first heard her talk, actually. I have no idea how long she's been talking, but I heard her practicing how to say Louisa's name this morning." Alastor said with a sigh, grabbing the bag of fluff and starting to stuff the furby. "From what I understand, she was only talking to Husk and Louisa before I caught her." Alastor informed me.

"Oh wow..." I rubbed my eyes before grabbing Mercy. "What is this, is this the target I am here to tickle?" I said, immediately adopting a goofier attitude as I sank to the floor in a cross-legged position.

Mercy started laughing as I tickled her sides and poking her gently with a broad smile. Louisa climbed off the wall and wobbled over to me, a smile on her face as she sought out her tickles.

"Oh, is this another target who I am supposed to give all the tickles?" I asked, picking up Louisa and tickling her gently because her skin was more sensitive than Mercy's. Louisa became fully visible as she laughed and tried to tickle back.

Jeff stole the furby and pushed Al off the couch, urging him to join in with a gentle smile.

Alastor scooted over, refusing to get up of the floor and knocked me over, tickling me all over all the tickle spots he had found in the almost two years we'd been together, laughing wickedly when I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Mercy held Louisa in her lap to protect her little sister as the two watched their mother straddle my stomach and tickle me all down my sides, back of the neck, hips, and knees.

"Do you know better than to start a tickle fight in front of my friends when I'm busy now, Angel?" Alastor asked with an angry huff.

I rolled over so he was the one on the floor with me above him. "Nope, I haven't, darling~" I said seductively before tickling him. Alastor's face was bright red when I said that before he started to laugh as my fingers met his sides.

"I hate you sometimes, Angel." Alastor sighed when I finally stopped and rested my body on top of his.

"I love you too, Strawberry." I taunted as he trailed his hands up and down my back.

Mercy climbed on my back with Louisa and they laughed as Alastor grunted under our collective weight.

"I can't really breathe like this, get off, get off." Alastor grumbled.

"Okay, we will, hold on." I said as the girls slid off my back and I rolled off him.

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