Chapter Sixty-One: Anxiety Hits

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There is literally no reason why the picture is Strange Æon's son, Thursday, other than the fact that he was the picture that gave Management a figurative heart attack when I spammed them with him in the middle of the night. I'm still grounded, but it was worth it.

[Fae's point of view]

Jeff was experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions again. I found myself stressing out as Jeff sat there with a hand on his stomach and his head tilted back so it touched the wall behind the couch.

"This feels like my old period cramps's stronger cousin." Jeff described absently out of nowhere while I was pacing.

"That...has got to be the dumbest, yet most accurate description of Braxton Hicks contractions." I said as I stared at the fallen angel who was lazily rubbing around his belly button and humming to himself.

"Why thank you, babydoll. I came up with it by myself." Jeff said, staring at me evenly with his uneven eyes as if telling me to sit down.

I sat hesitantly, biting my manicured claws as I tried to keep my breathing even. Calypso wandered into the living room and cuddled right up to Jeff's side after kissing him on the cheek.

"Fae, we have a house, we have a massive family, we have a big truck that is basically my minivan, we have a crib, we have baby clothes, we have diapers, and we have a lovely foster daughter. On top of that, we're engaged to be wed. Why are you so stressed out about the arrival of the baby? He just happens to like feeling my internal organs through the wall of my uterus and won't kick us from what I can tell." Jeff explained in the calmest, most serious tone I've heard from him.

"How can you tell it's a boy?" I asked suddenly. Jeff shrugged.

"Just a guess, Fae. I haven't stopped taking testosterone, it's just a gel instead of shots right now." Jeff stated, petting Calypso's hair out of her face so we could see the third eye in the center of her forehead.

"Right. Yeah. Okay. I need fresh air." I said as another wave of panic hit me. "I'll be right back."

I stepped out on the balcony and sat next to my plants, pruning them and watering them and taking care of them as I spoke to the greenery that I had adopted. I rambled to them about my irrational emotions and my little fears of being a father to an extremely small child who will grow up under my influence and care. I eventually looked up at the little green blackberries that were growing in.

"Lucky you, you don't have to worry about training a child because it's attached to you until it's matured fully." I groused halfheartedly before standing up and going inside to find Jeff holding his belly. I rushed over to him.

"It's time and it hurts." Jeff huffed, sending me into a panic. I dialed Harlow's number and texted Shane in an attempt to get someone who was experienced in helping with this sort of thing other than me because I was panicking too much.

Lily showed up at the front door three minutes later with her hair tied back in a bun and a bandana over the top of her hair just in case.

"Not who I asked for, but okay." I said, letting her in. She ruffled Calypso's short hair on her way inside and she helped me prepare for the arrival of Jeff and I's child. I had little to no control over my breathing so she grabbed my face and shook it.

"Calm. Down. If you keep panicking, Jeff might think there's something extremely wrong going on. That's not true, you're just anxious. Understand?" Lily said firmly, a scowl setting into her face. I nodded a little, trying to regain control.

"Yes, ma'am." I agreed. She let go of my skull and I adjusted how Jeff was positioned, discarding his pants and underwear and covering enough of him so Lily remained comfortable with helping.

"Let's just hope there aren't any horns grown in yet." I whispered to myself as I lit Hera's candle and prayed as hard as I could.

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