Chapter Three: Hormones?

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My eyes widened when I realized what I had called Angel. Angel was trying desperately to hide the hurt in his eyes, but I could still see it in his bright eyes. "Oh my goodness, Angel, I am so sorry, I didn't mean what I said, please, please forgive me." I plead with him, guiltily and desperately trying to apologize.

Angel cupped my face in two of his four hands. "Alastor. Do not make me slap you. I AM a whore. I know that. Don't be fuckin' sorry."

"But I am still sorry." I whispered, looking down so my face was hidden by my bangs. Angel pushed my bangs aside with another hand as he tried to get me to look back up at him.

"It's okay, Al. I don't care. It's fine. I forgive you."

"I just don't want to hurt you, Angel! I love you too much to want to watch you get hurt by me or any other person!!" I said, feeling my face heat up.

Angel smiled at my declaration of love like he couldn't help it. "I love you too baby. Congratulations on your first sober confession of love." Angel said, kissing me on the lips.

"What do you mean first sober confession of love, Angel Dust?" I asked.

"You say it to me every night we're in bed together as you fall asleep." Angel said, smiling at me a little bit. I felt my face heat up and I looked down at my two-toned hands in embarrassment, messing with my claws.

"O-oh..." I said, trying not to embarrass myself further. Angel lifted my chin, giving me a stern look in the eyes.

"Stop worryin' about how much you could be embarrassin' yourself. Just let go of that part of your cares and your on your way to not giving a flyin' fuck." Angel scolded me jokingly. I smiled at that. His face was probably one of the funniest things about him because of how expressive he was. I really love his stupid face with his stupid pink spots and his stupid heterochromatic eyes.

Angel sat down on the end of my bed, inviting me to sit in his lap if I wanted to. I cautiously did so and hooked my long arms around him.

"So...Al. Do you wanna talk about your true feelins' and problems and the like?"

"Mmmmm..." I mulled over the idea before deciding that yes, since we loved each other, I should probably spill my heart out to him. "Yes. I want to." I looked at him expectantly, causing him to freeze and try to figure out what I wanted.

"Oh. You want me to give you a starter question. do you keep smilin'? I can tell you're stressed and depressed."

"I lie to myself that everything will be great during the day. I don't know how long I can keep it up until I crack and break permanently. Also-it's a habit. I smiled a lot during my murder sprees to assert dominance over my victims." I said softly.

"Oh boy. That ain't good." Angel sighed, petting my ears. "I would be terrified. How do you feel right now?"

"Like my life is spinning out of control and I have lost all say of what happens." I replied, burrowing my nose into his soft, sweet-smelling fur. "Out of wack. My... er... hormones(?) are making it really hard to exist without feeling strong emotions that I haven't felt since I was alive. I think it might be hormones. I have no idea."

Angel looked like he had just been told something shocking and he stiffened. "Did this start after you bottomed for the first time?"

I thought for a moment. "Yes, actually. Why, what's wrong?" I asked him, looking him in the eye with a frown on my face.

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